Yumie (3_yumie7) 翻訳実績

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3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

4. Mobile ad ecosystem further fragments, with new players, new models, new forms of mobile advertising

We are already noticing traditional online advertising networks trying to extend their footprint to mobile. As mobile platforms become a part of mainstream media, this trend is likely to continue. At the same time, network operators who missed the mobile advertising bus are still looking to get back into the game and cash in on opportunities, especially in emerging markets. We have seen Singtel making such moves last year. In 2013, we will see more action and partnerships as companies dive further into the rapidly growing mobile advertising industry.


4 モバイル広告エコシステムは新会社、新モデル、新しいモバイル広告のスタイルによって一層寸断される


3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

Modesty , which one might assume was fitting for one of that age (for nature has assigned it an earlier place than other virtues) was apparent in his actions. Therefore Caesar made much of him and not as some think, entirely because of relationship. Some time before he had decided to adopt him, but fearing that elated at the hope of such good fortune, as those usually are who are brought up in wealth, he might become forgetful of virtue and depart form his accustomed mode of life, Caesar concealed his intention but he adopted him as son in his Will and made him residuary legatee of his entire estate, after bequeathing one fourth of his property to friends and townsmen, as was afterwards known.



3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

Octavius asked permission to go home to see his mother, and when it was granted, he set out. When he reached the Janiculan Hill near Rome, a man who claimed to be the son of Marius came with a large crowd of people to meet him. He had taken also some women who were relatives of Caesar, for he was anxious to be enrolled in the family, and they testified to his descent. He did not succeed in persuading Atia at all, nor her sister, to make any false statement concerning their family; for the families of Caesar and Marius were very close, but this young man was really no relative whatever. So he came up to the young Caesar with a great multitude and tried to gain his authority also for being enrolled in the family.


Octaviusは母に会いに家に帰りたいと願い出て、それが認められてから出発した。ローマ近くのJaniculan Hillに着いた時、Marius の息子だと名乗る1人の男が彼に会いに大勢の群衆と共にやって来た。男はCaesarの親戚の女性を何人か連れていた。それは男がCaesarの家族の一員になりたがっており、彼女らに彼の血筋を証明させるためだった。男はAtiaばかりでなく、Atiaの妹も家族に関して嘘の証言をするようにうまく説得できなかった。CaesarとMariusの家系は非常に近かったのだが、この若者は全く何の関係もなかった。そこで彼は若きCaesarのところへ大勢の群衆と共にやって着て、 彼の権威を得て、家族の一員に加えてもらおうとした。

3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

DeNA and Yahoo Japan’s Yahoo Mobage passes 10 million users

DeNA and Yahoo Japan’s joint social gaming service, Yahoo Mobage, has passed the 10 million users mark.

It seems like DeNA’s rebranding to a fun image isn’t the only positive change that it is experiencing. Just recently, the partnership between DeNA and Yahoo Japan takes on another notch as the joint service Yahoo Mobage passes 10 million users in Japan. In early November, both companies renewed their agreement and has seen growing numbers of users signing up for that service. The updated agreement sees the fundamental joint service to port to mobile devices instead of just serving PCs.


DeNAとYahoo JapanのYahoo Mobageのユーザーが1000万人を超える

DeNAとYahoo Japanの共同ソーシャルゲームサービスYahoo Mobageのユーザーが1000万人の目標を超えた。

DeNAの楽しいイメージへのブランド再構築だけが同社が体験しているプラスの変化ではないようだ。つい最近、DeNAと Yahoo Japanの連携はジョイントサービスとして別の段階に入り、 Yahoo Mobageのユーザー数は日本国内で1000万人を超えた。11月初めに両社は契約更新し、同サービスに加入するユーザー数は増加している。更新された契約ではパソコンのみへのサービスを提供に代わり、モバイル端末へのポートを基本ジョイントサービスとしている。

3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

He sent them home delighted, singing his praises to everyone and calling him their savior.Thereupon many people approached him, asking for his patronage,and he proved of considerable value for them.Some he relieved of the charges brought against them,for others he secured rewards,and he placed still others in offices of state.His kindness, and the prudence he had revealed at these gatherings were subjects of comment to all.[lacuna]..., according to the ancestral custom; nor to associate with young fellows who drank freely, nor to remain at banquets till nightfall, nor to dine before the tenth hour, except at the house of Caesar or Marcellus, his sister's husband, a man of sobriety and of the best Roman descent.

