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With today’s relaunch, the focus has been on improving the user interface and design, and adding more collaboration features and integration options. The new version offers a more consistent look, better navigation, and more. It now offers an “activity stream” view which shows details of how an event has changed over time, and who on a team is resolving the bug, for example.

The new “teams” feature introduces a dashboard-like interface which serves as the hub for managing projects, and an inline event browser let developers move between similar events quickly. On the integrations side, Sentry now works with GitHub, Campfire, HipChat, Grove.io, Bitbucket, JIRA, IRC, Pivotal Tracker, Sprint.ly and Trello.



新「チーム」機能はダッシュボードのようなインターフェースを導入しており、企画管理のハブとしても機能している。またインラインのイベントブラウザーによりディベロパーは同様のイベントの間を素早く移動することができる。統合面では、Sentryは現在GitHub、Campfire、HipChat、Grove.io、Bitbucket、 JIRA、IRC、Pivotal Tracker、Sprint.ly、Trelloと連携している。

3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

There had arrived the time for the games which the aedile Critonius was about to exhibit, and Octavian made preparations to display his father's gilded throne and garland, which the Senate had voted should be placed in front of him at all games. When Critonius said that he could not allow Caesar to be honoured in this way at games given at his expense, Octavian brought him before Antony as consul. Antony said he would refer the matter to the Senate. Octavian was vexed and said, "Refer it; I will place the throne there as long as the decree is in force." Antony became angry and prohibited it. He prohibited it still more unreasonably in the next games given by Octavian himself,


ゲームの時間がきて造営官のCritoniusが見せようとした時、Octavianは父の金の王座と花冠を見せるために準備した。それは元老院がゲームの間中、彼の前に置いていなければならないと決定したものだった。Critoniusが自分は費用を負担することを考えれば、ゲームでCaesar がこのような栄誉を受けるのは認められないと述べた時、OctavianはAntonyを執政官として彼の前に連れてきた。Antonyは元老院にその審査を求めようと述べた。Octavianは気を悪くして言った。「元老院に委ねるとは。私は判決が有効である限りは王座をそこに置きます。」と言った。Antonyは腹を立て、それを禁じた。Antonyはさらに不当に、Octavian自身が主催する次のゲームでもそれを禁じた。

3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

which had been instituted by his father in honour of Venus Genetrix when he dedicated a temple to her in a forum, together with that forum itself. Then at last it became evident that universal hatred of Antony was already growing out of this affair, since he seemed to be moved not so much by a feeling of rivalry toward the younger Caesar as by an ungrateful purpose to insult the memory of the elder one. Octavian himself, with a crowd of people like a body-guard, moved about among the plebeians and those who had received benefits from his father, or had served under him in war, stirring the anger and beseeching them to pay no attention to p7himself, though the victim of so many and so great outrages,



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and to ignore him, by his own request, but to defend Caesar, their commander, against the insults of Antony; to defend themselves too, because they would never be secure in what they had received from Caesar unless the decrees passed in his honor should remain in full force. He exclaimed against Antony everywhere throughout the city, leaping up on to any elevated spot, saying, "Antony, do not insult one who has been the greatest benefactor to you. On me heap indignities to your heart's content. Cease plundering his property; then take all the rest. However poor I may be, my father's glory, if that remains, and the distribution to the people, if you will allow it to be made, will be all-sufficient for me."



3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

Private tutor starts online SAT prep course TestRocker to never turn away another student

What happens when you’re a sought after SAT tutor who has prepared over a thousand students from around the world?

While most would probably be content with turning away students or jacking up their fees, Suniti Mathur took a different tack: She transformed her one-woman operation into a scalable Ed Tech startup.

Suniti sought help from her two daughters, Sonali and Urvashi, and together they founded TestRocker, a Singapore-based startup offering online SAT preparation through the use of teaching videos complemented by online quizzes, as well as personalized curriculum.




おそらくほとんどの場合、生徒の受け入れを中止するか月謝を値上げするだろう。Suniti Mathur氏のやり方は違っていた。彼女は女性一人の経営を拡張可能なEd Tech startupに変えてしまったのだ。


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In the 20 days after launching in mid-December, TestRocker has registered some 200 free trials and 20 paid users from Singapore — not including signups globally, which Sonali declined to reveal. That’s USD 14k in revenue right away — a promising start.

Ed Tech startups are the hottest ticket in Silicon Valley right now. Coursera, for instance, has raised USD 22M in venture funding led by KPCB, while Udacity has received USD 15M in Series A funding from Andreessen Horowitz, Charles River Ventures, and Steve Blank. There’s also Khan Academy, a non-profit that received an investment from Bill Gates, and Lynda.com, an online jobs training business that raised USD 103M.



Ed Tech startupsは現在シリコンバレーで最も人気の会社だ。例えばCourseraはKPCBが仕切るベンチャー投資ラウンドで2200万ドルを調達し、UdacityはシリーズAラウンドでAndreessen Horowitz、Charles River Ventures、Steve Blankから1500万ドル獲得した。また、非営利団体のオンライン職業訓練事業Khan AcademyはBill GatesとLynda.comから1億300万ドルを調達した。

3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

The startup will be expanding their team. Outsourcing is not a permanent solution, so they intend to hire their own development team. They’re also seeking qualified educators to get involved in other verticals, including language classes.

It’ll be nice if Asia has a few successful Ed Tech startups to call its own. Naturally, with the academic center of gravity still situated in the West, Asia’s entrepreneurs can’t leverage on the ability to offer students online access to lectures in a top-flight university like Harvard or Stanford.

They’ll have to find another way. TestRocker, situated right in exam-obsessed Singapore, might just be the ticket.





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Once applicants complete the program, they will be referred to Kalibrr’s partners for job interviews. While the startup doesn’t charge applicants any money, companies have to pay a subscription fee to access and hire potential employees. Kalibrr is presently focused on call center jobs in Metro Manila.

Founded by Paul Rivera and Dexter Ligot-Gordon in January 2012, Kalibrr had received a significant USD 100k in seed funding from Kickstart Ventures, a Philippine-based startup incubator.

The idea for Kalibrr came while Paul was running his own BPO company in the Philippines. While he found many job applicants with some work experiences, they lacked the necessary skillset to work in the BPO industry.



2012年1月、Paul Rivera、Dexter Ligot-Gordon両氏によって設立されたKalibrrはシード投資ラウンドでフィリピンに拠点を置くスタートアップ・インキュベーターKickstartから10万ドルという多額の資金を獲得した。


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But the mechanism is different. @EarlyBird helped brands tweet out deals, but that’s about it. In contrast the Xiaomi-Weibo experiment last week was led and spread by Xiaomi. Folks who made a reservation also had to tweet their orders. And the result of this brand and fan push was a viral one.

Another key difference between Weibo and Twitter’s @EarlyBird is that payment is made through Weibo credits, thus providing a seamless process of ordering and paying for a Xiaomi MI2 entirely on Weibo.

I’m not sure if Sina Weibo will open this up for all brands, but given this Xiaomi success, my guess is that it probably will.



もう1つのWeiboとTwitterの@EarlyBirdの重要な違いは、Weiboは決済がWeibo creditsを通して行なわれるため、完全にWeibo条でXiaomi MI2の注文、決済の途切れのないプロセスを提供できる。

Sina Weibo はこのシステムをすべてのブランドに利用できるようにするかどうかは確かではないが、このXiaomiの成功から考えて、おそらくそうするのではないかと思う。

3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

If anybody should disregard any of these provisions, he might be killed with impunity by anybody who should meet him. Having deceived the Senate chiefly by this means, and having agreed with the friends of Dolabella to give him one legion, he was chosen absolute commander of the forces in Macedonia; and he sent his brother Gaius with haste to communicate the decree of the Senate to the army. Those who had been sent to inquire into the rumour came back and reported that they had seen no Getae in Macedonia, but they added, either truthfully, or because they were instructed to do so by Antony, that it was feared that they would make an incursion into Macedonia if the army were withdrawn.

