After the Creative talk, the Creative Auction was held on. On the stage, musics written by artists in the live show from the 1st day to the 2nd, was presented and were sold by participants in the auction system. The musical works were handed directly in the buyers and in this way, artists and participants had personal contact between them.
The stimulators are attached only to outer surface of gel more than optimal concentration and cellular differentiation of cells on gel are suppressed by exceeded stimulator. Also, stimlators do not reach to the inside of gel and they are not attached inside. I'd like to mesure the amount of stimlator on the outer surface of gel as well as inside of it. Stimulators are not released from gel to the supernatant fluid, because the avidity between gel and stimlators is too strong. They receive message from stimlators and develop different gene protein, but the amount needed of stimulator to develop the gene protein is different according to the type of gene.
Thank you for your reply. So, it costs $104 including shipping fee to Florida. Thank you. I will be in touch with you again when I stock them. Thank you for your reply.So, it costs $ 19.95 per piece on condition that wee buy 20 pieces to Florida. Then, I will be touch with you again when I buy them.
ありがとう。あなたはとても良いパートナーです。GoPro LCD BacPac 3個GoPro Wi-Fi BacPac + Combo Kit 3個も購入したいです。また、アメリカのメーカーであなたが仕入れが可能な所を教えていただけませんか?できる限り教えてください。有名な所は日本でも人気があります。よろしくお願いします
Thank you. You are very good partner. I'd like to buy also 3 units of GoPro LCD BacPac 3 units of GoPro Wi-Fi BacPac + Combo Kit Could you give me an information about the makers of United States, as much as possible, from which you can have a stock of goods? The famous makers are popular in Japan, too. Best regards,
I'd like to buy the new model of iPhone. Couldn't you get it for me?
■業務内容急成長している当社のモバイル向けソーシャルアプリ開発(スマートフォン含) また自社プラットフォームのkarepet.jpのプラットフォーム事業としての新展開の企画・設計・開発業務全般 ■応募資格・PHPを中心とした充分なプログラミング能力・技術習得に対する強い向上心 ・ソーシャルゲームのキャッシュポイントに対する理解・Unityを利用したソーシャル系ゲームを企画している為Unity利用能力のある方は歓迎致します
Contents of Business Social application development on our fastest-growing mobile phone (including a smartphone) Planning, design, development bussiness in general as a platform business of our platform karepet.jpQualifications•has sufficient capacity of programming mainly on PHP •has strong motivation to acquire skills as welle as understanding to the cash points of social games •As we are planning social games applying Unity, a person who has sufficient capacity enough to apply Unity will be wellcomed.
It seems to me that the headset was not broken during the shipping,but the earpads had already taken off.An adhesive used to fix the earpads to the band has gotten the whole inside of the earpads dirty. It's so dirty that I can't use it. Would you give me back 130 dollars? I hope you will understand the situation.
Order #54517とOrder #54541を今日で全部受け取りましたが 全部で8個注文しましたが 7個しか受け取っていません。全部確かめましたが 大きな箱4個中に小さい箱2個、別の中型箱の箱1個、全て受け取りましたが 合計7個です。Order #54541のパッケージは合計重量8kgで届いていますので やはり3個しかありません4個であれば 3.7kgX2+4.6kgX2の重量のはずです。間違いなくそちらの ミスなので 早急に97652を送って下さい。
I received order #54517 and order #54517 all today. I received only 7, although I ordered 8 in total. I checked all and found two small box in the big 4 box and one another medium size box, totaled 7. As the package of order #54541weighs 8 kg, I'm convinced that there are only three box. If I have four box, il should weigh 3.7kgX2+4.6kgX2. Obviously, it's your mistake, so please send me #97652 immediately.
PayPalは日本ではあまりなじみがありませんが、世界で2億人以上が使っているインターネット上での標準決済サービスです。 「コミュニケーション」機能 ・参加者への一括連絡 イベントの会場が変更になったり、イベント内容が確定したり、イベント告知後に参加者への連絡をする機会は案外多いものです。everevoは、イベントの参加者に個別、一括で連絡する環境を提供します。
Paypal is not so familliar in Japan, but it's a standard payment service on Internet which is used by more then 200 million people in the world. It often happens a change of a collective communication space to the parcitipants of 'Communication' fonction, settlment of contents of the events or the opportunities to communicate to the participants after an annoncement of the events rather than we expect.Enervo provide you an enviroment to communicate to the participants of the events both individually and collectively.
Why his photogragh is immoral? Why his account of facebook is going to be suspended?I can't work it out.....
It's a vintage goods and the box is also of value. However, the box is greatly damaged, because the seller has send it with just careless paper packing. The goods doesn't have the value of purchase price any more. The problem is the careless packing of the seller. I requested to send the goods back and refund my money sending a picture of the damaged product, but the seller does not accept it. Furthermore, he does not resolve the problem concerning a shipping company in spite of his obligation as a seller.
Thank you for your picture! I will pay the 2nd September. Is that ok?What's the difference of this picture story book to another ordinaly ones?
I would like to ask you about the order N.K20-5001. Couldn't I order the ring size N.8 (japanese standard)? Please give me the answer as soon as possible. Best regards
I regret that I have to inform you of the bad news today.Today, I was informed from on of my business partner that there's several partner on oDesk who disclosed the documentation and spreadsheet about my project and to other employers. I will receive specific names of concerned persons tomorrow.I just want you to keep in mind that I will never permit to disclose the information about the project that I requested without my consent.
If you continue to disclose them, I will request the suspension of my acount and furthermore I will examine a claim for damages that I received. Manuals, spreadsheet and calculation formula are protected assets of my company. Please never inform the contents or disclose them to other employers. I believe that it was not you who did them, but I informed you because it's extremely important matter.
Are all the cushioning materials in the box remained unchanged?Please check if there's any damage, fissure or defective int the cushioning materials. Only little movement within the original box cause damage of the products. If you can't fix the products firmly, please add bubble wrap that we've sent si that the products doesn't move within the box. We will contact you again when the package materials,a quote and documents of a transport company are ready. It takes about one week to complete the documents of a transport company .
I looked the doll of item No.2. The wet taiste of the nose, double-edged eyelid, the peculire baby red skin were very good. I also felt the posed photograph was good. However, many Japanese have a tendance to prefer dar eyes, dark hair and a baby that has a stomach plate. I also feel that in case of double chin baby like this one, the baby-like face is better than beautiful face, so I think you are right. I'd like to see also dolls like item 1 and 2.
Please send the manual to the adress below:Both gootds are defective products. One's pocket is sewn closed and the other is the pocket has been ruined with peel-off.Very good seller. The shipment was also very careful. I' like to order again. Could you give me a discount, if we will make a continuous deal in future?
ENAMERL KINRAN滑らかな輝きを放つエナメルの箔を丹念に織り込んだ新世代の金襴です。”HIKIHAKU”という現在では日本にしか現存しない技術を用いて、ゴージャスでありながらカジュアルテイストにもマッチするテキスタイルに仕上げました。カジュアルなエコバッグやスニーカーの生地、クッションなどのファッションアイテムやインテリア用品と相性の良い生地です。
ENAMERL KINRANIt's a fabric for a new generation, interwoven carefully with glittering enameled foil attached. With the unique japanese technique called HIKIHAKU, it has been given a luxurious textile which also match with casual taste style. ENAMERAL KINRAN goes well with casual eco bag, cloth for sneakers, fashion items like a cushin, and interior decorations.