Altough the subject of the talk had been already published, I gave my mind to the fact that he would turn his steps toward such an occasion. (according to people familiar with the matter, it was a rare case.) On that day, there was also an opportunity in which they talked about Docomo's incubation program 'Docomo innovation village', many of which has still been veiled and about its fund 'Docomo Innovation fund'
The person who came to the stage was Nobuyuki Akimoto, R&D strategic investment rep. of NTT Docomo. Unfortunately, he did not disclosed the detail, saying that 'we can not publish the detail, more than what was announced on earnings announcement of the second quarter on October 2012. but it was a valuable experience that I could meet a key figure. Just to tell you, Akimoto was the CEO of Docomo Capital which is known as an investiment for Evernote.
One might assume that CVC can not be in one's options biven the caracteristics of operational companies different from a simple investiment fund. But observing the efforts of each company, for exemple, marketing supports of smartphone apps and jointly-run cooperative selling by telecom carriers can be a great advantage for startups. Normally, it is difficult to reach an agreement of a business partnership when a smaller company propose, but if you go through CVC(of course, there are many hurdles in front of you), there is a high possibility to have such a benefit along with fund-raising.
昨年立上がったCVCが活発なスタートアップ向け投資を実施し、例えば「KDDI ∞ Labo」の第一期生であるソーシャルランチは2012年の年末にイグジットを果たすなど、結果も出つつある状況だ。今年から来年にかけてこのような結果はさらに出てくるだろう。CVCを支援先の選択肢とするか、2010年に始まったシードアクセラレーター活性化と似たトレンドとして注目したい。
CVCs which established last year invest heavily in startups and there are already some signs of success. For exemple, Socal Lanch, a member of the inaugural class of KDDI ∞ Labo, exceeded in the exit at the end of 2012. They will bear further fruit over the next year. I would like to follow them as a similar trend to the activation of seed accelarator which began in 2010, to know if CVC can be an option as a back-up companies.
なんてったって、就活中に学校に戻ってきて野球チームをつくっちゃうんですからね。本当に馬鹿ですね。リキ対してはすごく信頼感を寄せており、ミオは、この二人はただならぬ関係なのではないかと期待しているようです。変態ですね。とはいえ、妹である、Natsume Rinの心配をしたり、他のメンバーの相談にも乗ったり、きちんと兄貴の役割も果たしています。仲間からの信頼は非常に厚く、活躍もしているので、もう一人の主人公といっても過言ではないでしょう。悔しいくらいにかっこいいです。
After all, he came back to scholl to built a baseball team during his recruiting activities. How stupid!He places his confidence in Riki and Mio expect that they are good for each other. They are perverts, aren't they?However, he assumes a role of brother, worring about his sister Natsume Rin and willing to offer consultation from other members. Other members put a strong faith in him and very active, it is no exaggeration to say that he is another central character. He is a pretty cool guy.
MEIKOは、VOCALOIDの中で一番の常識人として扱われるキャラクターです。ミステリアスで優しい曲調が多いルカに対して、メイコは元気な歌声を披露してくれる曲も多く、初期に出ているにも関わらず今もミクたちと隔てなく愛されている人気があるキャラクターです。彼女の歌った歌で有名なのは、「忘却心中」「Change me」「Nostalogic」があります。私は特にChange meが好きなので、知らない人は検索して聞いてみてください!
MEIKO is a caracter who is treated as the beest plain common-sense girl.While Luca has many mysterious and dolce music, MEIKO has many songs which are interpreted vigorously. As well as Miku, she is a popular character still loved by everyone, despite her early appearance. Her famous songs include, 'Love suicide in oblivion' 'Change me' 'Nostalogic'. I specially love 'Change me'. Please check it out, if you haven't listened it yet.
土崎神明社祭特徴 曳山は『神様が宿る所』とされ、伝統的な音楽とともに、町中にただよう『災いをもたらす怨霊や悪霊』を曳山に封じ込め、祭が終わるとすぐに曳山を解体することにより怨霊や悪霊を町から追い払う。曳山行事には、見る人を楽しませるため、曳山を華やかに飾り、見る人を圧倒するような迫力のある人形を乗せ、大きく高くし、歌や踊りを披露する沢山の工夫がある.。港ばやし曳山行事の音楽は、「港ばやし」と呼ばれ、佐竹氏の城下町であった、茨城県常陸太田市の「天神ばやし」に似ており、
Festival of Tsuchizaki-shinmeishaCharacteristicFloat has been considered as 'the home of gods'. People contain 'floating ghosts and evil spirits who bring us harm' into a float. After the end of the festival, they immediately break the float down so that the ghosts and evil spirits might leave the city. To entertain viewers, they use various ingenuities like gorgeous decoration of the float, overwhelming powerful dolls put on the float, making them bigger so that they can show songs and dances. Minato-bayashiThe music played during the hikiyama festival is called 'Minato bayashi'. It's similar to 'tenjin-bayashi' of the Hitachi-Oota city, ancient castle town of Seigneur Satake, in Ibaragui prefecture.
それと結びついて現在の港ばやしが生まれた。 港ばやしには五つ曲があり、土崎港ばやし保存会よって保存・伝承されている音頭上げ 曳山は、音頭取りと曳子の声の掛け合いによる『音頭上げ』によって動き出す。音頭取りの声を上声、曳子の声を下声と呼ぶ。音頭取りの役割は、曳山の進行だけでなく、安全に運行するという重要な役割がある。歌が上手なだけではなく、曳山を安全に動かす職人としての能力が必要とされる。
The actual Minato-bayashi came out getting in tune with Tenjin-bayashi. There are 5 songs of Minato-bayashi which are preserved and handed down by its preservation group. Ondo-age (call out)The float begins to move by 'Ondo-age', a rallying cries between a leader and men who pull the float. The voice of the leader is called upper voice, while that of pullers is called lower voice. The role of the leader is not only the procession of the float, but also he has an important role to operate the float with safety. The ability as an artisan to operate the float in safety is required.
Kaji-bou (steering bar)With Kaji-bou enables to operate the float with safety and fluidity with proficient skills to control it. Four men are in charge of one float and they operate the float in safety in collaboration with the leader. DancesAlong with the float, Dance performed there is important for the festival. The dances divided in a dance performed as an entertaiment and Circle Dancing for children and many people. The entertaiment dance includes 'Akita Ondo'.
クラウドファンディング・イン・ジャパンーー イラストで描かれるPOPな不思議ワールドの書籍化プロジェクトイラストレーターでグラフィックデザイナーの新納英仁氏が描く不思議な世界。キャラクターたちが一斉に集合するストーリーを一冊の書籍にするプロジェクトだ。普段、制作をする上で何より大事にしていることは「自由」であることだという。今回のストーリーでは、現実とは少し違った「何でもアリ」の楽しさを表現する。書籍は全フルカラーで、表紙はソフトカバーの20〜30ページほどになる予定。
Crowd-funding in Japan - Create publications based on magical world of pop illustrations A magical world created by illustrator and graphic designer, Hidehito Shinno. This project aims to make a book out of a story in which its characters gather together. They think 'freeness' is particularly important in producing the book. The story express the fun of "anything goes" which is different from reality. They plan to make a full-color soft cover book of 20 - 30 pages.
The book making process is updated continually as 'the activity report', so the patrons of the project can enjoy the process of creating the story. They provide illustrated icons, button badges,seals, posters to the patrons. The target amount set by Campfire was 250,000yen and the project was a success raising 363,500 yen, exceeding its goal.
Crowd-funding in Japan - Producing independently a totally different full-length historical film Jidai-geki refers to a kind of Japanese theaters, films or TV dramas set in the ancient times in Japanese history mainly Edo Period or earlier era before the Meiji Restoration. A world-famous 'Seven Samurai' directed by Akira Kurosawa may evoke the images. This project aimes to produce such a historical drama independently.
It is not a stereotyped history dealing with good versus evil, Samurai, Ninja, but it's a new type of drama which meld a distinct Japanese culture like Buddhism, Yokai,Ukiyo-e into a story, making a clear departure from existing historical dramas. There are three main concepts in historical dramas. The first one is Ukiyo-e and "One Hundred Ghost Tales", the culture closely-linked to Yokai. The second one is the worldview of 'Buddhism' which is one of three world's greatest religions and become popular in the world as Zen. The third one is oriental feminine beauty.
It describes women who vamp Ninkou,the hero of the film with a unique world view by mixing live-action and animation. The maximum amount of financing help was 300,000 yen, which was not funded,but two supporters funded 100,000yen. The supporters achieve a specific benefit such as Blu-ray and visual book of this film as well as the listing to end-credit. The project was a success, raising 1,079,100 yen from 83 patrons. The amount exceeded a target amount 1,000,000 yen, set by Camfire.
Crowd-funding in Japan - Publishing Radically new pictorial book of animals rebuilt by creater's dogmatism and biases ! SwimmyAnimalLab is a project to rebuild existing animals, plants, insects and visionary creatures by creater's unique standpoints. It's a self-published content by the creative group SwimmyDesignLab.
Hello,The payment is made as usual with my credit card. Would you explain what a problem is?Please do not cancel the order. I am looking forward to your reply.
Mouri Motonariは、勝利のためなら手段を択ばない、とても賢いけれど冷徹な武将です。部下の事を「駒(道具)」として扱っており、敵にも味方にも情けをかける事はありません。日輪(太陽)の事を強く信仰しており、必殺技にも太陽を強調した動きが入っています。…と、まじめな面が強い彼ですが、とあるZabiのステージでは、日輪よりもZabiを強く信仰するSunday Mouriとして登場することもあります。彼のライバルはChousokabe Motochikaです。
Mouri Motonari is a a very wise but cold warlord who pursue any means to win. He treats his people as 'pieces' (tools) and never shows mercy to both his side and the opposite side. He worships sun, so in his deadly technique include movements which attach weigt to sun. In this manner, he is serious person, but occasionally he appears as Sunday Mouri who worships Zabi more than sun.His rival is Chousokabe Motochika.
彼とは部下に対する思いや、価値観が全く違うため、アニメ内で仲良くしている描写はありません。元親が明るく少し騒がしい性格であるため、静かで落ち着いた環境を好む元就とは彼は天下を治めるよりも、自分の国や一族を守ることを大切に思っているため、国を攻めてくるToyotomi Hideyoshiには強く対抗します。そんな彼ですが、部下たちはそういった考え方があったからこそ、自分たちの国が平和であったと理解しており、意外にも部下達からの信頼は厚いです。
In the animation, we can not find any discription that he keeps fair with his subordinates, because his thoughts and values are different from their's. As Motochika has a little bit boisterous nature, he does not get along with Motonari who prefers a quiet and calm atmosphere.He fight heavily to Toyotomi Hideyoshi who attacks his territory, as he places importance on secure his territory and his clan. Being this kind of person, his subordinates understand that their country has been peaceful thanks to this insight, so surprisingly they put a strong faith in him.
Expand sales by installing standard contents for the elderly to the tablet devicesReach to an integrated purchasing for business operatorsIntroduce A company's nursing care product and food items for the families who care for the elderyProvide employment agency solutions for pharmacistsProvide financing services for business operators in nursing careSupport the branding for the eldery by posting medical/nusring care contents on web pages Spread awareness about the products by displaying advertisements on our website, e-mail newsletters, etc. Unify nursing care businesses's purchasing to A company, by adding a purchasing feature to Renkei-kun.
Crowd-funding in Japan - A project to support Remy Gardner, who aims to become a world champion of road racing, the highest peak in motorcycle racings Road Racing World Championship Grand Prix, MotoGP is the premier championship of road racing for which all the motorcycle riders have a longing. Remy Gardner actually takes part in the Spanish Championship and begins to make remarkable progress. He is a 13 year's boy who moves from his native land, Australia to prosperous Spain for motor sports. He continues his challenge aiming to become a future world GP champion.