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Octavian intended to turn Perusia itself over to the soldiers for plunder, but Cestius,one of the citizens, who was somewhat out of his mind,who had fought in Macedonia and for that reason called himself the Macedonian, set fire to his house and plunged into the flames, and a strong wind fanned the conflagration and drove it over the whole of Perusia, which was entirely consumed, except the temple of Vulcan. Such was the end of Perusia, a city renowned for its antiquity and importance. It is said that it was one of the first twelve cities built by the Etruscans in Italy in the olden time. For this reason the worship of Juno prevailed there, as among the Etruscans generally. But thereafter those who shared among



3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

Lucius to have been the chief actor in the war, retired to the sea-coast by various routes, some to Brundusium, some to Ravenna, some to Tarentum, some to Murcus and Ahenobarbus, and still others to Antony. The friends of Octavian followed them, offering terms of peace, and, when they refused, harassing especially the infantry. From among them only two legions, belonging to Plancus, who were intercepted at Cameria, were persuaded by Agrippa to desert to him. Fulvia also fled with her children to Dicaearchia,and thence to Brundusium, with 3000 horse, who were sent with her by the generals as an escort. At Brundusium there were five war-ships which had been sent from Macedonia, and she embarked and put to sea.



3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

Samsung used to be the sole OEM firm for Apple's processors,but the latter has now begun to issue orders to other firms.

TSMC has been said to become the second largest supplier for Apple's A7 processors and production is reportedly to begin in 2014.But recent rumors have spread that Intel may also receive Apple's orders.

According to institutional investors,Samsung is likely to receive 50% of the A7 processor orders,TSMC 40%,and Intel 10%.

In the past,Apple's processor orders were unattractive because of low profit margins and Samsung was the only cooperating firm.In addition,at the time Samsung's smartphones were no threat to Apple's iPhone.But Samsung has since become the biggest smartphone vendor in the world.




機関投資家らによると、 SamsungはA7プロセッサーの注文の50%を受け、TSMCが40%、Intelが10%になるようだ。


3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

New rumor points to fingerprint sensor,NFC e-wallet in Apple's next iPhone

A new report out of China claims that Apple has contracted with Taiwan's Chipbond Science and Technology to build fingerprint sensors into its next-generation iPhone.

The details were reported on Monday by China Times,which claimed that the so-called "iPhone 5S" will include both a fingerprint sensor and a near-field communications chip for mobile payments.The two items are expected to work in concert with one another,allowing users to easily authorize a transaction with their fingerprint.

Apple reportedly began stocking components for the iPhone 5S during the second quarter.The device is expected to launch in mid-to-late 2013.



中国の新たな報道はアップルが次世代iPhoneの指紋センサーを構築するため、台湾のChipbond Science、Technologyと契約を結んだと報じている。

China Timesが月曜日に報道した詳細によると、いわゆる「iPhone 5S」はモバイル決済用の指紋センサー、近距離無線通信(NFC)チップの双方を搭載すると主張している。この2つは連携して動作すると見られており、これによりユーザーは自分の諮問で簡単に取引を認可することができる。


3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

The details reported on Monday align with what was previously claimed by analyst Ming-chi Kuo of KGI Securities,who has a reliable track record in predicting Apple's future product pipeline.Kuo believes the new iPhone 5S will launch sometime in June or July with the same aesthetic as the iPhone 5,but with the addition of a built-in fingerprint sensor,along with an improved camera and more powerful A7 system on a chip.

According to Kuo,the fingerprint sensor will reside under the home button on the device.Users will simply place their thumb over the button when prompted,and the identity of the user can be verified for various tasks such as entering passwords or authorizing purchases.


月曜日の報道された詳細は、アップルの将来の製品パイプラインの予測に信頼できる業績があるKGI SecuritiesのアナリストMing-chi Kuo氏が以前主張していたものと一致している。Kuo氏は新iPhone 5Sは6月か7月頃iPhone 5と同じ美的形状で発売されるが改良されたカメラとチップのより強力なA7システムと共に、内臓型の指紋センサーが追加されると考えている。


3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

The first signs of a potential fingerprint scanner in future devices appeared last year when it was revealed that Apple had bought security firm AuthenTec.The $356 million acquisition was reportedly focused on the company's "Smart Sensor" component,which measures just 1.30 millimeters thick but can scan 500 pixels per inch.

As for the possibility of an NFC e-wallet in the next iPhone,Apple set the stage for such a move last year with the debut of Passbook in iOS 6.But in launching Passbook,Apple decided to eschew NFC payments,due in part to the need for mobile payment terminals at stores for such a system to work.



次のiPhoneのNFCイーウォレットの可能性については、アップルは昨年iOS 6のPassbook初公開でそのような動きのお膳立てをした。だが、1つにはそのようなシステムが動作するためには店頭にモバイル決済端末が必要であることもあり、アップルはPassbookのローンチによってNFC決済を控えることに決めた。

3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語 ★★★★☆ 4.0

then start the function of cell sterilizing, destroy the living environment of bacillus, diminish inflammation, sterilization, so that it can remove the acne from the skin as well as improve the scar.
Simultaneously, the blue light has the function of calm, if the blue light is treated at glabella point, it will make body relaxed, will have good improvment and calm effection to pain, haemostasis, etc

Spring-Summer Treatment Mode
The treatment mode are special used in spring and summer.
It will be overall nursing in short time, it is called program 1 as a short time nursing mode.

Nursing mode for Acne / Red spot/ hemangiectasis
Improve the skin problem of skin sensibility caused by imbalance diet and weary.





3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

Mode: blue & red. program 1 (safety goggles must be used)

Nursing mode for pigmentation/ acarocecidium
Improve the pigmentation/ wrinkle caused by ultraviolet radiation and age.
Mode: Blue & Yellow, program 1

Autumn-Winter Treatment Mode
The treatment mode are special used in utumn and winter.
It will be overall nursing in short time, it is called program 2 as a short time nursing mode.

Nursing mode for hypersteatosis
Improve the trouble some skin problem.
Mode: Yellow/Red/Program 2

Nursing mode for pachylosis/ wrinkles/sag/pore
Improve the skin problem caused by undersleep and ruleless life.
Mode: Yellow& Red, program 2

Nursing mode for xerosis cutis/ dry skin
Improve the skin problem caused by winter and air conditioner.








3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

I think that the new levies served Lucius under compulsion,but I intended to ask these old soldiers,who have often served with us and who are now saved from punishment by you,what they have suffered at our hands,or what favor they have asked in vain,or what greater favors they expected from anybody else that they have taken up arms against me,against you,against themselves.For all the trouble I have met with has grown out of the division of the lands, in which they had their share. And now if you will permit me I will yet ask them these questions."
They would not allow him to do so, but continued their beseeching. "I grant what you wish," he said. "Let them be dismissed without punishment for their wrong-doing,



3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

When they reached the tribunal Octavian placed Lucius by his own side.Of the rest,some were taken in charge by the friends of Octavian,others by centurions,all of whom had been instructed beforehand to show them honor and to keep watch upon them unobserved.He commanded the Perusians who stretched out their hands to him from the walls,to come forward,all except their town council,and as they presented themselves he pardoned them;but the councillors were thrown into prison and soon afterwards put to death,except Lucius Aemilius, who had sat as a judge at Rome in the trial of the murderers of Caesar, who had voted openly for condemnation, and had advised all the others to do the same in order to expiate the guilt.


彼らが裁判所に着くとOctavianはLuciusを自分の側に据えた。残りの者のうち、ある者はOctavianの友人により、ある者は百人隊長により逮捕されたが、全員に対してあらかじめ敬意を示し、気づかれないように監視を続けるよう指示されていた。Octavianは地方議会を除いて壁から彼に手を差し伸べたPerusiaの市民に対して前に進み出るよう命じた。彼らが出頭してきたことでOctavianは彼らを許した。だが町議会議員らは刑務所に入れられ、まもなく処刑された。ただCaesarの殺害に関する裁判の時、ローマで裁判官をしていて、ただ1人堂々と有罪に投票し、罪を償うために他の者にも同様にするよう助言したLucius Aemiliusは例外だった。

3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

They then separated, and Octavian praised and admired Lucius because he had said nothing impolite or inconsiderate (as is usual in adversity), and Lucius praised Octavian for his mildness and brevity of speech. The others gathered the meaning of what had been said from the countenances of the two parties.Lucius sent tribunes to receive the watchword for the army from Octavian, and they took the army roll to him, as it is customary for the tribune who asks for the watchword to deliver to the commander the daily register of the number of troops present.After they had received the watchword they still kept their outposts on duty, for Octavian himself ordered that each army should keep its own guard that night, and



3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

either purposely (as soldiers are often advised beforehand),or moved by sympathy for their own relatives, broke from the formation in which they had been placed, crowded around Lucius' men as they approached their former fellow-soldiers, embraced them, wept with them, and implored Octavian in their behalf, and ceased not crying out and embracing them, the new levies sharing in the outburst of feeling, so that it was impossible to distinguish or discriminate between them.For this reason Octavian did not persist in his intention, but, after appeasing the tumult with difficulty, addressed his own men as follows: "You have always behaved in such a way to me, fellow-soldiers,that you can ask nothing from me in vain.

