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3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

It was announced to Octavian that Caesar had been killed in the senate-house.As the rest of the story was untold he was overcome by fear, not knowing whether the deed had been committed by the Senate as a whole or was confined to the immediate actors; nor whether the majority of the Senate had already punished them, or were actually accomplices, or whether the people were pleased with what had been done.
Antony put Amatius to death.The followers of Amatius determined that they would not be scorned in that way.Some of them showed places where Caesar's statues had been torn from their pedestals. One man told them that he could show the shop where the statues were being broken up.The others followed, and


Caesarが元老院で殺害されたことがOctavianに伝えられた。後のことは知らされなかったため、彼は殺害が元老院全体によって行なわれたのか、それとも直近の当事者に限られているのか、また元老院の大部分がすでに当事者を罰したのか、或いは実際には当事者と共犯なのか、国民は行なわれたことを喜んでいるのかどうかがわからず、恐怖に圧倒された。AntonyはAmatiusを処刑した。 Amatiusの追随者らは、自分たちはそのようには軽んじられまいと決意した。ある男が彼らに彫像が粉々に壊されているのを見せようと言った。他の者が男についていくと、

3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

having witnessed the fact, they set fire to the place.Antony moved that Pompeius should be appointed commander of the sea with charge of all the Roman ships, wherever situated, which were needed for immediate service. Antony enlisted his guard and kept adding to it.He thought that he should easily get the latter when he needed them otherwise.He appointed tribunes over them, and these he held in honor andmade sharers of such of his plans as he made known.Caesar's secretary was obedient to him in every way since Caesar himself, on the point of his departure, had placed all petitions of this kind in Antony's discretion. Antony saw that the republic, too, was not confirmed by deeds, they suspected Antony


彼らは事実を目の当たりにし、その場に火を放った。Antonyは、停泊する場所にかかわらず、即座の軍務が必要な全ての船の監督をする海軍の指揮者にPompeiusが指名するよう提案した。Antonyは彼の警護に協力し、彼の軍隊への兵の投入を続けた。彼は別の方法で軍隊が必要な時にはその軍をすぐに得られると考えていた。彼は彼らが戴く司令官を指名し、彼らに敬意を表し、自分の計画を伝え共有した。Caesar自身、自分の出発点からこの種の申請は Antonyの自由裁量に任せていたため、Caesarの秘書は、あらゆる面で彼に従順だった。殺害行為によってAntonyは共和国が支持されていないのを見た。彼らはそのことも理由となって Antonyを疑った。

3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

for that reason also. Antony ordered centurions as well as others to be slain.From the soldiers he chose by lot a certain number according to military law, and he put to death not every tenth man.One of the Indians, Zarmarus, for some reason wished to die,— either because, being of the caste of sages, he was on this account moved by ambition, or, in accordance with the traditional custom of the Indians,because of old age, or because he wished to make a display for the benefit of Augustus and the Athenians;— he was therefore initiated into the mysteries of the two goddesses, which were held out of season on account, they say, of Augustus, who also was an initiate, and he then threw himself alive into the fire.



3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

Brutus had been desperately unwilling to provoke a civil war, ready even to go into voluntary exile for the sake of concord.The pressure of events gradually drove him to a decision.When he left Italy, it was not with the plan already conceived of mustering the armies of the East, invading Italy and restoring the Republic through violence.He did not believe in violence. At Athens he looked about for allies, opened negotiations with provincial governors--but did not act at once. In any event, principles and honor commanded a Republican to resist the worst excesses of civil war. Lepidus was a Caesarian: but Brutus refused to concur in the hounding down of the family of Lepidus, who had married his own half-sister.


Brutusは心底内戦を引き起こすことを嫌がり、平和のためなら自ら進んで亡命する準備さえ出来ていた。事件への圧力は次第に彼をある決心に向かわせていた。彼がイタリアを離れた時、東の軍を召集してイタリアに侵攻し、力を通して共和国を復興するというすでに思いついていた計画のために離れたのではなかった。彼は暴力を信じていなかった。アテネで彼は味方を探し、属州の知事と交渉を開始したが、すぐには行動を起こさなかった。いずれにしても、内戦の最悪の行き過ぎに抵抗するための道義と名誉が共和派を占めていた。 LepidusはCaesar派だったが、 Brutusは自分の母親違いの妹と結婚していたLepidus家を追跡することへの同意を拒否した。

3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

Authoritarian politics, in comparison with totalitarian politics, allows some space for
political studies, and various elements that range from social diversity and financial
abundance to intellectual consciousness and the limited market of ideas also help to
promote the study of political science in China. The Chinese academics disagree, however, over how to
develop political science in general and the study of Chinese domestic politics in
particular. Some emphasize the dominant and even guiding role of communist
ideology that should be further and better reflected in political studies, and this line
of reasoning aligns itself with the governmental programs of “Marxist political
science with Chinese characteristics.'



3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

Some others call for “sinonization” and “localization” of political science in China in the form of
resistance against Western influences in the study of Chinese politics. To provide
an alternative way to their ideas, here I would suggest “open-minded independence
of scholarship” as a major program to promote the development of political science
in China in general.
With this program of scholarship, independence means professional autonomy
resistant to non-academic interventions, firstly to the interventions from state power
and political authorities, and “open mind” refers to scholastic tolerance within the
discipline for a diversity of approaches, theories, and methodologies regardless their
cultural and ethnic.



3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

This attitude doesn't deny Marxism to political studies, nor does it refuse other nonMarxist Western theories for their applications; it calls for 'professionalization' of academic research, while it also urges localization of political science in China in its fundamental meaning of studying Chinese politics which is local to the nation of China. There will be a long way to
go for the Chinese students of political science to develop a discipline of political
studies containing a research agenda with that much attention given to the study of
politics . It will be equally challenging to build a tradition of research containing a rich diversity of theories and methodologies all independent from state ideology



3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

2 steps, but, are the most urgent and decisive in order to march toward that direction, which will be briefly discussed. The 1st priority in building the discipline of political science, with the study of Chinese politics as one of the most important fields therein, is academic professionalization. Here “pro-” is understood as the professional autonomy and academic independence of scholarly activities from other nonacademic intervening factors, which may include populism, and, primarily, state power intervention. Further, such pro- should be institutionalized at various levels, rather than being merely reflected in individual
academics’ professional ethics though this individual factor is also important.



3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

InU.S and, generally, the Western industrial world, the university system provides the major institutional hub for political science
studies, while other kinds of political commentators are affiliated with nonuniversity
organizations. Although the growing prominence of universities is argued
as a cause of the declining number of great thinkers in the Western tradition , the
enormous contributions of the Western university system to human progress. What
is relevant here is that, as the almost exclusively leading organization of human
education, university system offers institutional guarantees to safeguard academic
autonomy, which is integral in an industrial society for academics’ accomplishments
of scholarship.



3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

In addition, one must be aware of the absence of party competitions for
governmental power when talking about the Party-state affiliated research
institutions in China. The Chinese university system is also affiliated to and run
by the government, as university presidents and party secretaries are, first of all,
party-state cadres.Despite this institutional similarity between non-university
research organizations and universities, this author still believes that greater space for
academic autonomy can exist in universities than in party-state sponsored policy
research institutes. For this article, it can be said that when the study of Chinese
politics in China is dominated by universities with academic independence.



3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

Despondent, with tired troops,delayed by the raising of new levies, short of money and harassed by petulant missives from Cicero, Brutus trudged onwards.He reached Plancus towards the end of June.Their combined forces amounted to fourteen legions, imposing in name alone. Four were veteran, the rest raw recruits. Plancus knew what recruits were worth.A lull followed. Antonius waited patiently for time, fear to dissolve the forces of his adversaries.Plancus composed his last surviving epistle to Cicero.His style had lost none of its elegance:he protested good will and loyalty, and blamed upon the young Caesar the escape of Antonius and his union with Lepidus, reprobating his ambition in the most violent of terms.


新兵の教育のために遅れた部隊は疲れ切り、資金不足やCiceroからの苛立った手紙に悩まされ、落胆した Brutusはとぼとぼした足取りで前進した。6月末にはPlancusのところに到着した。彼らの軍勢は合わせて14レギオンに上ったが、部隊とは名ばかりだった。そのうち4つは古参兵の部隊だったが、残りは徴兵したばかりの新兵だった。Plancusは新兵がどれくらいのものか知っていた。一時的な小休止が続いた。Antoniusは敵の軍隊が解散するのを恐れて辛抱強くチャンスを窺った。Plancusは Cicero宛に最後に残された手紙をしたためた。彼の文体には優雅さが全く失われていた。彼は善良さと忠実さをもって抗議し、若きCaesarがAntoniusから逃げてLepidusと組んだことを責め、最も乱暴な言葉で彼の野心を非難していた。