Yumie (3_yumie7) 翻訳実績

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He sent and asked Octavian if he would allow the war to be decided by a naval engagement.Octavian,although he dreaded all naval encounters, which until now had turned out badly for him, considered it base to refuse, and, accordingly,accepted the challenge.A day was fixed by them, for which 300 ships were put in readiness on either side, provided with missiles of all kinds,with towers and whatever machines they could think of. Agrippa devised one called the "grip," a piece of wood five cubits long bound with iron and having rings at the extremities. To one of these rings was attached the grip itself, an iron claw, to the other numerous ropes, which drew it by machine power after it had been thrown by a catapult.


彼はOctavianに手紙を書き、海戦によって決着をつけることを許可してくれるかどうか尋ねた。Octavianはこれまでの海戦では常に自分にとって悪い結果となっていたため海戦を恐れていたが、ここで断るのは卑怯だと考え、その結果、挑戦を受け入れた。両者によって決戦の日が決まり、両軍共、あらゆる種類の投石器、櫓その他考えられる限りの兵器を搭載した300隻の船が準備された。 Agrippaは「グリップ」と呼ばれる兵器を開発した。これは5椀尺の長さの木片が鉄で縛られた、両端に輪がついている道具で、一方の端の輪がグリップ本体につくと、鉄が他の多くの縄に引っ掛かり、投石器によってこれが発射された後、機械の力で引っ張られる仕組みになっていた。

3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

When the appointed day came the rival shouts of the oarsmen were first heard, accompanied by missiles thrown by machines and by hand, such as stones, firebrands, and arrows. Then the ships dashed against each other,some striking amidships, others on the prows, others on the beaks, where the blows are most effectual in discomposing the combatants and rendering the vessel useless. Others broke the opposing line by sailing through it, at the same time discharging arrows and javelins; and the small boats picked up those who fell overboard. There was a struggle of soldiers while the sailors put forth their strength and the pilots their skill and their lung-power; the generals cheered their men, and all the machines



3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

were brought into requisition.The "grip" achieved the greatest success.Thrown from a long distance upon the ships,as it could be by reason of its lightness, it clutched them,as soon as the ropes pulled on it from behind.On account of the iron bands it could not be easily cut by the men whom it attacked, and those who tried to cut the ropes were prevented from reaching them by its length.As this apparatus had never been known before,the enemy had not provided themselves with scythe-mounted poles. One thing seemed advisable in this unexpected emergency, and that was, to back water and draw the ship away; but as the enemy did the same the force exerted by the men was equal on both sides, and the grip did its work.



3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

Thank you for your e-mails.

We are so sorry to inform you that the ○○ is already shipped!
Because we told you about the blue logo and you still made the order and payment and we did not hear from you Friday, we assumed you wanted the Rimowa.

We are going to try to cancel the shipment to Japan and get the ○○ back. We have to get back to you on this as soon as we hear this is possible.

As for the future, please note that the request about the blue logo, is a request about old models and they are no longer in production.
We are sorry, but we are unable to help you with that service. Simply because these ○○ are not available.

We hope you understand.



残念ながら ○○ はすでに発送されております。ブルーロゴについてお客様にお伝えし、お客様はまだ注文・決済をされており、金曜日にお客様からのご連絡がなかったため、当然Rimowaを希望されていると考えました。


今後は、ブルーロゴに関しての依頼は旧モデルに関する依頼で、現在は生産されていないモデルだということを御承知置きください。残念ですが、そのサービスに関しましては弊社ではお役に立てません。単に○○ は在庫がないからです。


3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

While they were in this state Laronius, who had been sent by Agrippa with three legions, made his appearance a long way off. Although it was not yet plain that he was a friend, still, as hope all the time led them to expect a friend, they once more recovered their spirits. When they saw the enemy abandon the water in order not to be exposed to attack on both sides, they shouted for joy with all their strength; and when the troops of Laronius shouted in return, they ran and seized the fountain. The leaders forbade the men to drink to excess: those who neglected this advice died while drinking.In this unexpected manner did Cornificius, and those of his army who managed to get away, escape to Agrippa at Mylae.


彼らがこのような状態の時、3レギオンと共にAgrippaから派遣されたLaroniusがはるか彼方に姿を現わした。彼が味方なのかどうかまだはっきりわからなかったが、希望が兵士らに彼は味方だと常に期待させ、再度、兵士らの士気を高揚させた。敵が、両側から挟み撃ちにされるのを避けて泉を放棄した時、兵士らは声を限りに喜びの叫びを上げた。 Laronius軍がそれに応じて叫ぶと、兵士らは走って泉を占領した。指揮官らは兵士らに水を飲み過ぎることを禁じた。この助言を聞かなかったものは水を飲みながら亡くなった。このような思いがけない方法でCornificiusとその軍隊はどうにかMylaeのAgrippaのところに逃げおおせた。

3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

Agrippa, however, had just taken Tyndaris, a stronghold full of provisions and admirably situated for naval warfare. Thither Octavian transported his infantry and cavalry. He had in Sicily altogether twenty-one legions of infantry, 20,000 cavalry, and more than 5000 light-armed troops. The garrison of Pompeius still held Mylae, and all places from Mylae to Naulochi and Pelorus, and all the coast. These garrisons, in fear of Agrippa, kept fires burning continually, signifying that they would set fire to any ships that should sail against them. Pompeius was also master of the defiles on both sides of the island. The mountain passes in the neighbourhood of Tauromenium and around Mylae were fortified by him, and



3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

he harassed Octavian when the latter was making a forward movement from Tyndaris,but not coming to an engagement. Believing that Agrippa was moving his fleet against him, Pompeius changed his position to Pelorus, abandoning the defiles around Mylae; and Octavian occupied them, a very small town,in which, they say, were the cattle of the Sun and where Ulysses fell asleep.When the report of Agrippa's movement turned out to be false,Pompeius was troubled that he had lost the defiles,and he called to his assistance Tisienus, with his army. Octavian thought to intercept Tisienus, but lost his way around Mount Myconium. He passed the night there without tents.There was a heavy rainfall, as often occurs in the autumn,


OctavianがTyndarisから前進しようとした時、彼を攻撃したが、一戦を交えるには至らなかった。Agrippaが艦隊を自分の方に移動していると信じていたPompeiusはMylae周辺の軍隊を放棄してPelorusに位置を移動した。そこでOctavianがそこを占拠した。それは非常に小さな町で、街の中には太陽の牛がおり、ユリシーズが眠っていると伝えられていた。Agrippaの動きは間違っていたことが分かったと伝えられるとPompeiusは自分が軍隊を失ったことにまごつき、 Tisienusとその軍隊を支援のために呼んだ。Octavianは Tisienusを封じようとしたが、Myconium山周辺で道に迷った。彼はテントなしでそこで夜を過ごした。秋にはよくあるように、どしゃぶりの雨が降り、

3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

and some of his armour-bearers held a Gallic shield over his head the whole night. Harsh mutterings and prolonged roars from Mount Etna were heard, accompanied by flames which lighted up the camp, so that the Germans sprang from their beds in fear. Others, who had heard what had been related of Mount Etna, would not have been surprised, in presence of these remarkable phenomena, if even the torrent of fire had rolled upon them. As there had been many skirmishes throughout Sicily, but no general engagement,Octavian sent Taurus to cut off Pompeius' supplies by first capturing the towns that furnished them.Pompeius was so much inconvenienced by this that he decided to stake everything on a great battle.


何人かのよろい持ちが Gallic盾を彼の頭上に夜通し掲げた。 Etna山から不快なささやきや長引くうなり声が宿営地を照らす炎と共に聞こえたため、ドイツ人らは恐怖のためにベッドから跳ね起きた。他の兵士らはEtna山に関して、このような普通ではない現象を目の当りにしたが、溶岩が自分たちの方に流れてきたとしても驚かなかっただろう。それは、これまでSicily島全体に多くの小競り合いがあったが、大きな戦争にはならなかったからだ。OctavianはPompeiusの食糧の供給を断ち切るため、まず彼に食糧を供給している町を奪った。Pompeiusはこれには非常に困り、全てを大戦に賭けた。

3_yumie7 英語 → 日本語

It seems fitting to recall this fact now in honor of Roman magnanimity, inasmuch as Messala,when he had in his power, alone and overwhelmed with misfortune, the man who had proscribed him, saved him and cared for him as his commander.Cornificius was able easily to defend his camp against attack; but, being in danger from want of supplies, he drew his men out for battle and challenged the enemy.But Pompeius did not care to come to an engagement with men whose only hope rested in battle and whom he expected to subdue by famine.Cornificius, having placed in the centre the unarmed men who had escaped to him from the ships, took to the road, grievously exposed to missiles in the open plains from the enemy's horsemen



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the soles of their feet were burned (especially those who had no shoes),as it was now the hottest part of the summer;and since delay was impossible on account of the tormenting thirst,they no longer resisted their assailants,but received wounds without any means of defence. When they saw the place of exit from this burned district occupied by enemies,the able-bodied ones, dashed at the defile with amazing courage and overpowered the enemy with all their remaining strength. When they found the next defile occupied by hostile forces they gave way to despair and succumbed to thirst and heat. Cornificius aroused them by showing them a spring of water near by. Another body of enemies held possession of the fountain.

