1.Suntory Royal Jelly + Sesamin E 120 tablets 30 days' supply made in japan2.Includes Royal Jelly, which has 40+ nutritious ingredients, plus Sesamin, Vitamin C, E, and Calcium.3.Special Royal Jelly, with 2+ % of Decenoic Acid.4.made in Japan5.the most popular supplement in Japan6.Includes Royal Jelly, which has 40+ nutritious ingredients, plus Sesamin, Vitamin C, E, and Calcium. Special Royal Jelly, with 2+ % of Decenoic Acid.you can take up to 4 tablets per day anytime. There is no restriction except the amount you take.
1. Suntory Gelée Royale + Sesamin E, 120 comprimé pour 30 jours, Fabrique au japon2. Contient Gelée Royale qui a plus de 40 ingrédients nourrissants plus Sesamin, Vitamin C, E et calcium. 3. Gelée Royale spéciale avec 2+ % de l'acide décanoïque4. Fabrique au Japon5. Compléments les plus populaires au Japon6. Contient Gelée Royale qui a plus de 40 ingrédients nourrissants plus Sesamin, Vitamin C, E et calcium. Gelée Royale spécial avec 2+ % de l'acide décanoïque Vous pouvez les prendre n'importe quand jusqu'au 4 comprimés par jour. Il n'y a pas de restriction d'utilisation sauf en quantité.
There is nothing more painful than ride a jam-packed commuter train. JR company, it's time to take steps in order to solve this !! But in a way, it might be one of the characteristic scenes of Japan in the eyes of foreigners. A took a strong interest in crowded trains and published his photographes of people who were pressed to the carriage doors. Tremendous impact! I wonder if I'm one of those... How do you feel about these schenes? / A is a Hiroshima-residing artist who has a unique background of the active buddhist monk. He gradually widens his scope of activities composing music for TV commercials and local school.
Of the jurors, though carefully selected, one man gave his vote for absolution and remained unmolested until the proscriptions were duly instituted. Octavianus could afford to wait, to take vengeance upon the lesser enemies along with the greater.With a devoted army, augmented to eleven legions, the consul left Rome for the reckoning with Antonius, whom he could now face as an equal. It lay neither in the plans nor even in the power of Caesar's heir to consummate the ruin of the most powerful of the Caesarian generals.Hence an immediate change of front after the Battle of Mutina,when he treated the Antonian captives with honour, sending one of the officers to Antonius with a friendly message, so it was alleged.
陪審員は慎重に選出されたが、その中で1人の男が赦免賛成に投票し、この男は追放が正規に施行されるまでは悩まされずに済んだ。Octavianusは重罪の者と共に軽罪の者に対しても仇を討つのを待つ余裕があった。献身的な軍隊は11レギオンに増え、執政官は、今や自分と対等の立場の者として直面せねばならない Antoniusに配慮するため、ローマを発った。Caesarの後継者にはCaesar派の将軍の中で最も有力な彼を破滅させるための計画も力もなかった。そこで、Mutinaの戦いの後、直ちに前線が変更され、Antoniusに対する友好的な手紙を彼の将軍の1人に持たせて送り、Antonius側の捕虜を敬意をもって扱ったのだと考えられた。
As you have 300 pcs., we will use DHL, no problem. Please tell me the total value for the 300 pcs. and I can make the invoice accordingly . My thoughts on the re-sell prices; please consider that some wish to sell on Amazon too, and I think that is good (the more sellers the better also for you). We want everybody to use 11.980, which net of Amazon fees is about 10,100. So if you sell them for the prices you indicate, they will not make any profit and will not buy from you. I think your cost is roughly 7,100 landed. Maybe you consider to mark up only 15-20%. You have the 'guaranteed margin', and they make some money too. You can think about this….
(見積りのメールを受けて) 早速見積書を送ってくれてありがとうございます。 合計1000ドルですね?(合計金額が記載されていなかったので確認したい)それで大丈夫です。 発送方法と支払方法を教えて頂けますか?Visaカードで支払は可能ですか?お返事を宜しくお願い致します。
Thank you for your quote.So, the total cost is 1000 dollars, is that right? It's ok with me. Could you please let me know the shipping method as well as payment method? Can I pay with my visa card? I look forward to hearing from you.
Messieurs,J'ai acheté (A) de votre magasin sur e-bay.J'ai l'intention de continuer à acheter les même produits, si ces produits sont authentiques. Je peux les acheter de dix à vingt pièces par mois. Sera-til possible de fournir cette quantité ? Ayera l'obligeance de me faire connaître combien coûtera les marchandises et les frais d'expédition. Concernant les frais d'expédition, veuillez l'estimer dans les meilleurs délais. Je ferai le payment par Paypal. Dans l'attente de votre réponse, veuillez agréer, messieurs, mes salutations distinguées.
フランスNous souhaitons commander un Bosch GMS 120, vendu 94 € + 11 €. Nous sommes une société avec numéro de TVA intercommunautaire.Est-ce que votre facture de vente inclue une TVA française récupérable en France (19,6 %) ? Ou une TVA japonaise non récupérable en France ?Si TVA japonaise, est-ce que nous pouvons commander HT ?
94 € + 11€で販売されている Bosch GMS 120を1個注文したいと思います。弊社は付加価値税登録番号を持つ企業です。貴社の販売請求書にはフランスで回復可能なフランスの付加価値税(19,6 %)が含まれているのでしょうか、それともフランスでは回復不可能な日本の消費税でしょうか。日本の消費税の場合は税抜き価格で注文することは可能ですか。
・私は日本の製品を、フランスはもちろん世界中で販売しています。・私はお客様とフランス語で対応が可能です。・商品の発送手段は、日本郵便のEMS( Express Mail Service)を利用しています。EMSには追跡番号がついています。・商品の返品があった場合のための、アドレスを持っているので心配はありません。・これから販売予定の商品は、既にアマゾンのカタログで作成されていますので問題ありません。
Je vende des articles du Japon pas seulement à la France, mais au monde entier. Il est possible de communiquer avec vous en français. J'utilise EMS( Express Mail Service) du Japan Post.EMS vous offre un numéro de suivi . Vous n'aurez pas besoin de vous inquiéter de retour de marchandise, car j'ai une adresse pour ce but. Comme le catalogue des marchandises que j'envisage de vendre prochainement sur Amazon sont déjà crée, il n'y a aucun problèm.
I appreciate your kind reply. As I liked it, I will wait one more week.If it will not arrive within a week, I'm afraid I should ask you a refund. I will contact you again.
FranceLe titulaire du droit d'auteur,Messieurs,Je suis Naminori24 qui distribue des produits sur A. Je vous adresse ce e-mail pour le motif que Amazon m'a contacté. Je vous prie de bien vouloir de m'excuser pour le dérangement que je vous ai causé. Auriez vous l'obligeance de m'informer la marchandise(fabricant) qui viole le droit d'auteur ? Je me dépêcherai de prendre des mesures. Cordialement
The Caesarian generals would have united at once to destroy him-Octavianus in his true colours, openly on their side against Caesar's murderer.For themselves they asked the promised bounty, for Octavianus the consulate.The latter request they were able to support with a wealth of historical precedents of a familiar kind.The Senate sent envoys with the offer of permission to stand for the consulate in absence --a move of conciliation that may have been due to Cicero,still trusting that the adventurer could be to legitimate methods.Octavianus was not deflected from his march.The people chose him as consul along with Pedius, an obscure relative of unimpeachable repute, who did not survive the honor by many months.
Caesar派の将軍達は、直ちに彼の息の根を止めるために集結しただろう。Octavianusは態度を明らかにし、堂々とCaesarの殺害者に敵対する側についた。彼らは彼ら自身のためには、懸賞金が約束されるよう求め、Octavianusのためには執政官職を願った。元老院は不在の執政官職に立候補する許可を与える旨の特使を送った。それは和解への動きで、この冒険者が合法的な手段になり得るといまだに信じていたCiceroのおかげだったかもしれない。Octavianusは彼の流からはずれてはいなかった。国民は、申し分のない評判の無名で何か月も名誉を受けていなかった血縁者の Pediusと共に、彼を執政官に選んだ。
STEP 4 – PAY THE FINAL INVOICE AND HAVE YOUR CARGO SHIPPED TO THE DESTINATION. VOLUME AND WEIGHT.It is difficult to predict the precise volume and weight of an international shipment at the time of booking. The actual volume and weight of your international shipment will most likely differ from the measurements you provided in your booking request.After the shipping terminal accepts you cargo, the carrier will send to us the volume and weight verification on your cargo, i.e. the actual volume and weight on your international shipment. Based on this information we will e-mail you our final invoice with total charges on your international shipment less the security deposit that you have already paid.
Typically we will e-mail you our invoice in a few business days after the ETD (Estimated Day of Departure). I.e. after your cargo is loaded in a sea freight container, passed U.S. Customs and is ready to depart from the USA to the destination.Upon you payment we will e-mail you a confirmation of your payment. Then we will release your freight to the international ocean freight shipment and your goods should depart as scheduled. STEP 5 A few days after the Estimated Day of Departure (ETD) (sometimes it takes a little longer) we will e-mail to you your carrier's Sea freight Express Release Bill of Lading (consider the B/L a title for your internationally shipped goods).
This Sea freight Bill of Lading will show you complete information on your international shipment and the contact details of the carrier's destination receiving station, i.e. your destination agent.Print the Bill of Lading and keep it in your records in order to recover your cargo at the destination. International shipments on Express Releases should be released upon providing a copy of the B/L. No originals required.Notice: If an international shipment has been paid by a credit card(s), before issuing a Bill of Lading we may ask you for confirmation that you clearly understand that the Bill of Lading is our final document on your international seafreight shipment.
It is the title on the shipped goods and the proof of transfer of the ownership to the consignee as in the Seafreight Bill of Lading (recipient of shipped goods).This will confirm that after receiving the seafreight bill of lading our service provided to you is complete as agreed. All parties involved with payment(s) of the shipment paid by a credit card(s) will consider the confirmation email the receipt of payment(s) with the payer's signature in it.STEP 6 – MEET YOUR GOODS AT THE DESTINATION.A few days before the ETA - Estimated Time of Arrival, the ocean freight carrier's destination agent should contact the consignee/notify party with a Notice of Arrival.
船荷証券は輸送品の証券であり、また海上輸送船荷証券における荷受人(輸送品受領者)への所有権の移転の証拠です。これにより、海上輸送船荷証券をお受け取りになられた後、弊社がお客様に提供したサービスが取り決め通りに完了したことが確認されます。クレジットカードによって支払われた輸送の支払いに関する全ての関係者は確認のメール、支払者の署名の入った支払いの領収書を考慮します。ステップ6 目的地でお客様の品物を迎えるETA(到着予定日)の数日前、海上輸送会社の目的地の代理店は荷受人/着荷連絡先に到着通知を添えて連絡を取らなくてはなりません。
If for any reason you do not receive an Arrival Notice, we strongly recommend you contact your ocean freight carrier's destination agent on the ETA day in order to find out the status of your international shipment. You can see contact info for the destination agent in your Bill of Lading within the 'For Delivery/Pickup Please Apply To' block of your Sea freight Bill of Lading. Fax or e-mail them a copy of your Express Release Sea freight Bill of Lading and ask for recovery instructions on your international shipment. Note to international shipments with a trans-shipment: Your Seaf reight Bill of Lading shows that a port of discharge is different from the final destination:
何らかの理由で到着通知をお受け取りになられない場合は、お客様の国際輸送の状態を確認するため、お客様の海洋輸送会社の目的地の代理店に連絡されることを強く推奨します。目的地の代理店の連絡先情報は、お客様の海上輸送船荷証券の「For Delivery/Pickup Please Apply To」(配送/集荷・・・に申し込んでください)の欄の中にあります。代理店に海上貨物運送状、海上輸送船荷証券のコピーをファックスするかEメールで送るかして、お客様の国際輸送品を回復するための指示を求めてください。積み替えする国際輸送への注意:お客様の海上輸送船荷証券は陸揚げ港が最終目的地とは異なることを示しています。
The ETA on international shipments with trans-shipments may not be the ETA to the final destination. Check the ETA port in your shipping documents. If it has not reached final destination, it may take an additional 15-25 days. Some trans-shipments, from Europe to Africa for example, may take longer.Important: The ocean freight carrier's destination agent will most likely not receive any information on your international shipment until a couple days before it actually reaches the destination. If you contact them in advance, you may fax or e-mail them a copy of your Sea freight Bill of Lading, verify your contact and wait for the notice of arrival.
Merci pour votre tweet ! Nous developpons une application pour smartphone afin de diffuser notre culture de sakê japonais avec l'aide de IT. Nous avons developpé une application similaire à un livre sur la dégustation de vins. Essayez-le à tout prix! Vous pouvez la télécharger sur URL ci-dessous. Nous espérons que cette application sera utile pour le developpement de la culture de sakê aussi bien que celle du vin !
Family ties had prevailed against political hostility in civil wars before now when waged by Roman nobles. Brutus, in anticipation, wrote to Cicero, interceding for his relatives. --'Cicero, for all his principles, accommodates himself to servitude and seeks a propitious master. Brutus for his part will continue the fight against all powers that set themselves above the law.On receipt of an extract from a letter written by Cicero to Octavianus, the Roman and the Republican lost all patience.'Read again your words and deny that they are the supplications of a slave to a despot." 'Better dead than alive by his leave: let Cicero live on in ignominy.' After a council with Servilia Cicero launched a final appeal.
それまではローマの貴族が戦争を行なう際には家族の絆の方が内戦の政治的敵対関係に優先された。Brutusは親戚との仲を取り持ってくれるよう期待してCiceroに手紙を書いた。Ciceroは自分のあらゆる主義にもかかわらず、隷属することに迎合し、自分に好都合な主人を探した。Brutusの方は、法律よりも自分自身を優先したあらゆる権力に対する戦いを続けていた。Octavianusに向けて書かれたCiceroの手紙の抜粋を受け取ると、ローマ人と共和派は我慢できなくなった。『自分の文面を読み返してそれが奴隷の専制君主に対する請願であることを否定してみよ。』 「彼が去れば死んだも同然だ。 Ciceroを屈辱の内に生かしておけ。」 Serviliaとの協議の後、Ciceroは最後の嘆願をした。
I am sorry to hear that the colors are different. We offer a very flexible return and exchange policy. You may exchange or return your order at any time using the return label included with your order. Original expedite shipping charges are non-refundable.Great question! Once we receive your return and review the issue we can look at crediting you for the informational return shipping. Normally original and return shipping are non-refundable with international purchases. Once you return the package to us, please send us a quick e-mail with the tracking number so we have that for our records. Have a great rest of your week!