How tall is it (from the ground) ? (size)Is there a specific rain cover for this item ?Are the tires punctureless tires or air tires ?Is an airpump provided with it ?
Ok, I have your address now.I am going to repeat myself but since I am going to return the item, you have to refund my 135 dollars. .I accept to pay the shipping cost so in the end I will get 100 dollars. As for you, you will get your precious shoes. It is fair right ?There is no other way to solve this problem.If this problem doesn't get solved after 24 hours passed, I will file a complain to Paypal. And I will write everything on your eBay feedback.This is all I have to say.Now, it's up to you.
私はeBayであなたから商品を購入した者です。My eBay ID:XItem number:YPaypal Transaction ID:先日、商品を受け取りました。とても良いコンディションのものをありがとうございます。私たちは日本のディストリビューターです。次の注文をしたいのですが、直接のお取り引きは可能でしょうか?よいお返事をお待ちしております。
I purchased an item from you on ebay.My eBay ID:XItem number:YPaypal Transaction ID:I received the item sometime ago.It was in very good condition, thank you very much.Actually, we are a Japanese distributor.I would like to order another item from you. Would it be possible to make the transaction directly ?Thank you in advance
クラブでJimi HendrixのPurple Hazeをサンプリングした曲を聞くことがあるけど、Jimi Hendrixが左利きだったということすら知らずにPlayしてるDjなんかってのもいたりするんだろうなぁ。。。全部とまでは言わないけどさ、お客さんの前でPlayしてるDjならせめて自分がPlayした曲くらいは曲に対して真摯でいてほしいものだね。
It happenned to me to hear songs that sampled Purple Haze by Jimi Hendrix in clubs.And I was thinking that there must be some DJ who play his song without even knowing that he was lefty... I won't say that every DJ should know everysong or every artists but I think that at least they should be respectful of the songs they play.
Do you remember what you said in your email on eBay ?Maybe you have forgotten it, in this case read it again.You said that I am the one who dirtied up the shoes, covered them with mud and then took a picture of them after.Then you said that since you sold them to me at lot lower price than their real value, you would be ok to refund me if I return them to you.Therefore I did returned them to you.Please could you do what you promised to do.
In January, I bought something from you via amazon.And I am sending you this email because I would like to make an other purchase from you.At first I was planning on making the pruchase on amazon but I thought thatif I did that you would then have to pay the commission for amazon's Marketplace. So I thought it was not a good idea.I want to avoid you paying this money.However if you still prefer to make the transaction via amazon, I am OK.Ok, so I am going to write the item(s) I want to order from you.I will use PayPal for the payment.Thank you in advance.
私は、3月4日にred valentino Floral A-Line Dressのサイズ44をオンラインストアで購入したのですが、貴方から注文確定のコンファメーションが届きません。実は、思い当たることがあります。私は、billing addressを間違えて記入したかもしれません。もし可能でしたら、3月4日のオーダーをキャンセルして、もう一度、新たにオンラインで注文をしたいのですが、可能でしょうか?ご回答お待ちしております。
On the 4th of March I purchased the "red valentino Floral A-Line Dress" size 44 online. However I have not received the order confirmation yet. But maybe I know why.Actually I think that I wrote a wrong billing address...If possible, I would like to cancel this order and to remake an order one more time online, is it possible ?Thank you in advance for your reply.
私はあなたのメールを読んで、本当に憤慨しています。私が歩きまわって泥だらけに汚して写真を撮ったですって?よくそんな嘘が言えますね。届いた品物はあなたのeBayの写真とはまったく違います。そしてコンディション説明の、「New without box: A brand-new, unused, and unworn item…」もまったく違います。あなたが送った荷物の中に泥だらけの汚れた古い靴が入っていた。真実はただそれだけです。
I read your email and I have to say that I am furious.Did you really say that I just took the picture after dirtying them up myself ?!I can't believe that.The item you sent to me is totally different from the one on the picture on eBay. And what was written on eBay in the description, which was "New without box: A brand-new, unused, and unworn item…" is just entirely false.What was in the package you sent were shoes full of mud, completely dirty. That's all, you can't deny that.
I want to return the item immediately, so please give me your address.And I ask you to give my money back once your receive it.