翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 52 / 0 Reviews / 2019/12/26 13:46:08

steveforest 52 I worked for the broadcaster as an en...




We have negotiated as your reward to be maximised. But for this project, we need to pay expenses such as advertisement for marketing, labour cost, translation fee and others. Therefore, to think of profitability, we only offer the percentage that was given by us.

For first year, we will be willing to release at lower cost for the market research. In addition, we also think we are going not to put you any burden. After reviewing the market testing for 1st year, what about again negotiating for the reward when updating for next year ?

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備考: ビジネス交渉メールですので相手を尊重する言い回しでお願い致します。なお、kajabiとはマーケティングツールの名称です。