翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 52 / 1 Review / 2019/06/24 21:38:38

kumako-gohara 52 銀行勤務2年半(日本)、会計事務所勤務3年(海外)。 社内外問わず、相手...



Amazon Japan request us to submit the sales certificate for your item. Therefore, they cannot accept if we submit just invoice.
We prepared the documents which include the invoice and sales certificate. We purchased twice on March 26 and April 29, so I attach 2 documents. If they don't have any problem, please sign and seal. If there is any inconvenient sentence in English for you, please revise. (We send you the originals by using Excel.) Please don't forget that you should not make sentence only invoice content.

レビュー ( 1 )

[削除済みユーザ] 53 外資系金融関連企業の個人情報保護管理責任者兼社内弁護士の仕事をしている者で...
[削除済みユーザ]はこの翻訳結果を"★★"と評価しました 2019/06/26 06:55:53

Amazon Japan request us to submit the sales certificate for your item. Therefore, they cannot accept if we submit just invoice.
We prepared the documents which include the invoice and sales certificate. We purchased twice on March 26 and April 29, so I attach 2 documents. If they don't have any problem, please sign and seal. If there is any inconvenient sentence in English for you, please revise. (We send you the originals by using Excel.) Please don't forget that you should not make sentence only invoice content.

Amazon Japan is demanding that we produce documentary proof that we are authorised to sell your products, and a mere invoice won't do. To this end, we have prepared a document which doubles as invoice as well as a formal authorisation to sell. Since we purchased twice, on March 26 and April 29, we attach 2 of them. Please review and if everything is in order, kindly sign, stamp, and return them to us. If you feel that the wording used do not work for you, let us know; we can forward you the original as XLSX, so you can adjust the wording as you see fit but whatever you do, please do not turn them into an invoice-only document!

なんとなく意味は通じないでもないですが、ぎこちなさが目立ちますね。特に「Sales Certificate」だと原文の「販売許可書」のニュアンスが伝わりません。原文から察するにアマゾンに出店している「小売業者」が「問屋/メーカー」とやりとりをしているように見受けられるので多少長くなっても「オタクの商品をウチがアマゾンで売っていいという許可」の意味合いがしっかり伝わるよう、はっきり訳した方が良いでしょう。
