翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 52 / 0 Reviews / 2019/05/28 18:24:05

steveforest 52 I worked for the broadcaster as an en...

たっぷり溶け込む炭酸力とカラダ全体を包み込むあったかベール成分が温浴効果を高めて芯まで温めてほぐします。 また湯上り後も芯までほぐれた心地よさが続きます。
4種類 各12個 合計48個入り
忙しい毎日の短め入浴にもおすすめ。じっくり溶ける大粒の1錠。 きめ細かな泡がたっぷりのカラダを包み込みます。


Your body can be relaxed and soothed with the carbonic acid power along with the warm veil surrounding your body. Warming up your body can be lasting longer after taking a bath.
Fragrance comes in 4 kinds, yuzu citrus, the green forest, lavender, and bergamot ginger.
4 kinds. 12 each 48 totally.
This is recommended for those who are living in busy days. It dissolves gradually with one big cube. You are surrounded by fine babbles completely.

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備考: Eコマースの説明文になります。