翻訳者レビュー ( 英語 → 日本語 )

評価: 44 / 1 Review / 2018/11/22 11:54:05

setsuko-atarashi 44  私は、英語教育界で13年仕事をしてきました。特に、右脳を使った教育方法で...

"Your Amazon Seller Fees tax invoice"のタイトルで来るEメールに添付されているインボイスが5月から来ていません。


I have not had invoice attached in email sent on the title of "Your Amazon Seller Fees tax invoice".
There is no improvement although I have bee asking many times since before.
I am bothering as I cannot summit documents to the tax office.
Please deal with it immediately.

レビュー ( 1 )

mars16 60 翻訳を始めて、そしてConyacに参加して5年ほどになります(スタンダード...
mars16はこの翻訳結果を"★★★★"と評価しました 2018/12/03 20:55:55

I have not had invoice attached in email sent on the title of "Your Amazon Seller Fees tax invoice".
There is no improvement although I have bee asking many times since before.
I am bothering as I cannot summit documents to the tax office.
Please deal with it immediately.

I have not received the invoice attached in email sent on the title of "Your Amazon Seller Fees tax invoice".
There is no improvement although I have been asking many times since then.
I am bothering as I cannot summit documents to the tax office.
Please deal with it immediately.

setsuko-atarashi setsuko-atarashi 2018/12/03 20:58:38

Thank you very much.
