翻訳者レビュー ( 英語 → 日本語 )

評価: 52 / 1 Review / 2018/11/07 16:10:57

akosaufo 52 【観光関連の翻訳実績】 - 浅草のホテルのHPおよびパンフレットの日英翻...

Once we have received the signed Letter of Engagement, a member of our accounts team will raise an invoice for the upfront VAT takeover fee for £50.00 Once this fee has been paid a member of our on boarding team will contact you to walk you through the necessary information that we require in order to proceed with your UK VAT takeover.

Could I also please confirm when the next UK VAT return we need to submit for you is?

Lastly, we accept payment through credit card, Payoneer and PayPal – so you can use whichever method you would like! However, we cannot accept any payment fees incurred by these services.


契約書のサインを当方で確認後、会計担当者が50ポンドのVAT前払い用請求書を作成します。この費用が支払いが完了次第、取締役会のメンバーからUK VAT引継ぎ手続きに必要なご案内をするため、連絡を差し上げます。

次回そちらに提出が必要なUK VAT返金はいつ頃か確認させていただけますか?


レビュー ( 1 )

helter 53 More than 10-year experience in trans...
helterはこの翻訳結果を"★★★★★"と評価しました 2018/12/27 12:24:00


akosaufo akosaufo 2018/12/27 12:38:18

