翻訳者レビュー ( 英語 → 日本語 )

評価: 52 / 1 Review / 2018/01/12 09:02:49

sujiko 52 IT、金融などを中心として社内翻訳者を数年経験後、フリーランス翻訳者として...



I paid for it. Would you kindly send it as immediately as possible? Please include an invoice where name of the item, price, volume and total price are listed. You can use the invoice where statement of PayPal is printed out. I am looking forward to receiving the item.

レビュー ( 1 )

tatsuoishimura 57 経済、法務、マーケティング関連分野を中心に、英-日、日-英翻訳を行います。...
tatsuoishimuraはこの翻訳結果を"★★★★"と評価しました 2018/01/14 14:52:33

I paid for it. Would you kindly send it as immediately as possible? Please include an invoice where name of the item, price, volume and total price are listed. You can use the invoice where statement of PayPal is printed out. I am looking forward to receiving the item.

I paid the price. It saves me if you can send it out as soon as possible. When you send it out, please include the invoice which the brand name, the amount, the product unit price and the total amount are listed on. I do not mind the invoice which has printed the detailed statement of PayPal. I am looking forward to receiving the item.

