翻訳者レビュー ( 英語 → 中国語(簡体字) )

評価: 50 / ネイティブ 中国語(繁体字) / 0 Reviews / 2017/08/29 19:30:27

lee1 50

When the boys show up, Taro freaks out because of all the people. May talks to him and tells him he should be open to have people help him, like she let Megumi help her.

But the panic just got started when there is no band to take the stage and Tanaka is forced to sing. Tanaka chokes at first and runs off stage, making way for a drunk Mr. Sato to hit the stage and expose himself as Vato Sato; a skilled Mexican-Japanese rockstar performer. After Vato Sato goes too far, starts stripping and is forced off the stage, the old man forces Tanaka to take the stage. Tanaka uses all his courage and sings his heart out, but he is terrible in singing.



不过当没有其他的乐团上台而田中被逼要上台时,他就开始感觉带了紧张。田中开始感到窒息然后就跑开了舞台,让给醉酒的佐藤先生进入舞台,让自己成为了瓦托 撒陀;一位熟练的摇滚明星,他是一位墨西哥裔日本人。瓦托 撒陀后,开始脱掉和被逼离开舞台,那位老人家逼迫田中上舞台。田中用尽他的勇气和唱出他的全心,不过他害怕唱歌。

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備考: エンタメコンテンツです。エンタメを意識した訳をお願いします。