翻訳者レビュー ( 英語 → 日本語 )

評価: 52 / 1 Review / 2017/08/29 09:56:07

kimie 52 アメリカ在住の Kimie と申します。英⇔日(英検1級・TOEIC985...



Thank you for accepting me. Thank you for helping me when Mr. A was at his previous job. I have a plan to visit Company B to meet Mr. B in near future.
I will be in the US for 10 days among the month of activities so let's keep in touch and meet in person.

レビュー ( 1 )

cotton0611 53 大学ではフランス語やフランス文学を専攻した後、コンサルティングファームにて...
cotton0611はこの翻訳結果を"★★★★"と評価しました 2017/08/30 10:56:54

Thank you for accepting me. Thank you for helping me when Mr. A was at his previous job. I have a plan to visit Company B to meet Mr. B in near future.
I will be in the US for 10 days among the month of activities so let's keep in touch and meet in person.

Thank you for accepting me. Thank you for helping me when Mr. A was at his previous job. I have a plan to visit Company B to meet Mr. B in near future.
I will be in the US for 10 days per month so let's keep in touch and meet in person.

kimie kimie 2017/08/30 11:00:37

