翻訳者レビュー ( 英語 → 日本語 )

評価: 50 / 0 Reviews / 2016/07/14 14:07:16

shino0530 50 海外企業で5年勤務した後、帰国して英会話講師を4年、その後翻訳業へ転職致し...

It is difficult to say which attribute fuels which: Do people use their phone more because they are afraid of missing something, or is it because they use it so much that they worry they are missing out?” said Astrid Carolus, a psychologist from the University of Würzburg.
According to Kaspersky Lab Senior Security researcher David Emm, while phones have become an integral part of peoples’ lives, they often take it for granted.
“Having them around all the time often makes us forget how valuable they actually are because of the personal memories and other data they hold,” said Emm.



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備考: 固有名詞もできるだけアルファベットではなく、片仮名にしてほしいです。 あと、時間がかかってもいいので、日本語として意味がわかるように表現を変えてください。 直訳だと全く内容が理解できないことが多いので…。 すみませんが、よろしくお願いいたします。