翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 52 / 1 Review / 2016/03/07 19:32:16

kohashi 52 米国10年、オランダ2年、英国3年駐在。製薬業界出身。



Two days ago, I received a complains from a buyer of "Wrap." The complains was that remote controllers did not work. I have two of them with me now and they really do not work when I checked if they would be activated. They are items with PO#010416. I have receive the same complains during this two consecutive weeks. We have the defected products one in twenty that is with 5% of probability. If they were made in China it would be permissive but they are made in USA and this odd could not be let go. Japanese hate defected products. The credibility of my shop is going down significantly. You must do much better job on quality assurance. We will not take this kind of defect any more.

レビュー ( 1 )

ctplers99 64 フリーランス翻訳者Ctplers99と申します。日本語ネイティブで、翻訳者...
ctplers99はこの翻訳結果を"★★★"と評価しました 2016/03/08 20:06:53

Two days ago, I received a complains from a buyer of "Wrap." The complains was that remote controllers did not work. I have two of them with me now and they really do not work when I checked if they would be activated. They are items with PO#010416. I have receive the same complains during this two consecutive weeks. We have the defected products one in twenty that is with 5% of probability. If they were made in China it would be permissive but they are made in USA and this odd could not be let go. Japanese hate defected products. The credibility of my shop is going down significantly. You must do much better job on quality assurance. We will not take this kind of defect any more.

Two days ago, I received complains from a buyer of "Wrap." The complains were that remote controllers did not work. I have two of them with me now and they really do not work when I checked if they would be activated. They are items with PO#010416. I have received the same complains during this two consecutive weeks. We have the defected products one in twenty that is with 5% of probability. If they were made in China it would be permissive but they are made in USA and this odds could not be let go. Japanese hate defected products. The credibility of my shop is going down significantly. You must do much better job on quality assurance. We will not take this kind of defect any more.

備考: 「WRAP」とは車両盗難防止装置のハンドルロックの製品名のこと