翻訳者レビュー ( 英語 → 日本語 )

評価: 44 / 0 Reviews / 2012/01/05 08:48:07


With the additional of these three new localizations, it makes LinkedIn available in 14 different languages. In fact, Arvind Rajan, MD and VP for Asia Pacific and Japan, actually blogged about the news on the official LinkedIn blog yesterday. He commented:

"The launch of the local languages will better support the growing number of professionals joining LinkedIn. Local language availability often precipitates a whole new generation of LinkedIn members locally, enhancing the experience for the entire community. The member base in Asia Pacific is growing and we believe LinkedIn has a massive opportunity for growth here."


これら3つの新しいローカライズ化の追加と共に、LinkedInは14の異なる言語で利用できる。実際、アジア太平洋と日本部門のMDでVPのArvind Rajanは、LinkedInのオフィシャルブログで昨日、そのニュースについて書いた。彼はこのようにコメントした:


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備考: Startupdatingのニュース記事の翻訳です。"〜である”"〜だ”調でお願いします。http://www.penn-olson.com/2011/12/01/linkedin-indonesian-malay-korean/