翻訳者レビュー ( 英語 → 日本語 )

評価: 50 / 0 Reviews / 2011/12/28 09:35:23

katy 50

Games Back in South Korea’s Android Market

When the South Korean government announced that all games would need to be approved by the games rating board before being sold in the country, both Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL) and Google (NASDAQ:GOOG) removed the games sections from their online markets (iTunes and Android Market, respectively) rather than face the prospect of trying to get every single game app approved. Now, that regulation has been changed, and the apps are coming back!

Well, the Android ones are anyway. According to the Android Developers Blog the games section is already back up on the Korean Android marketplace. And it sounds like buying them is easy too:



韓国政府がすべてのゲームは韓国内で販売する前にゲームの格付け委員会の承認を得る必要があると発表した時、アップル(ナスダック: AAPL)もグーグル(ナスダック: GOOG)もすべてのゲーム一つ一つの承認を得ようとはせず、オンラインマーケット(アップルはiTune、グーグルはアンドロイド)からゲーム部門を削除した。しかし、今、この規制が変わり、アプリケーションが戻ってきている!


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