翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 52 / 0 Reviews / 2015/09/07 09:10:07

kohashi 52 米国10年、オランダ2年、英国3年駐在。製薬業界出身。



I took photos of myself that is present on the other side of the mirror in front of me. By some noises that were caught there also, you are able to feel where you are. As one of my pieces this time, I will create an installation composed of mirrors and digital images.

I would like to link the three projects as open public creation works in an open studio such as workshops and presentations that include the methodology to show the vast number of slides taken during my stay in Korea with high speed of one slide per every five seconds.

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備考: 映像作品の説明文です。