翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 53 / ネイティブ 日本語 / 1 Review / 2015/08/27 18:47:44

shimauma 53 静岡県出身、ドイツ在住のshimaumaと申します。英⇄日(TOEIC96...



I'm very sorry to tell you that I gave you a wrong response yesterday.
The item concerned can hold 1000cc.
The motif is called ●●. (3 standing cranes)
Since old days, cranes are said to be auspicious existence in Japan.
*I attached the image.
I can not take additional pictures of the goods as it is stored in a different place.
The year of manufacture is unknown but I believe it is as old as the wall scroll was made.

レビュー ( 1 )

osamu_kandaはこの翻訳結果を"★★★★"と評価しました 2015/08/28 07:44:50

I'm very sorry to tell you that I gave you a wrong response yesterday.
The item concerned can hold 1000cc.
The motif is called ●●. (3 standing cranes)
Since old days, cranes are said to be auspicious existence in Japan.
*I attached the image.
I can not take additional pictures of the goods as it is stored in a different place.
The year of manufacture is unknown but I believe it is as old as the wall scroll was made.

I'm very sorry to tell you that I gave you a wrong response yesterday.
The item concerned can hold 1000 deciliters.
The motif is called ●●. (3 standing cranes)
Since old days, cranes are said to be an auspicious existence in Japan.
*I'm attaching an image.
I can not take additional pictures of the goods as it is stored in a different place.
The year of manufacture is unknown but I believe it is as old as the wall scroll.

(1) 詳しくは知りませんが、cc という単位が通用しない国も多かったように思います。deciliters を使っておいた方が無難だと思いますが、いかがでしょう?

(2) "I'm attaching an image." というふうに現在進行形にしておきましたが、あなたの書いた通り I attached のままでもよいかもしれません。

以上、僭越ながらコメントを書かせて頂きました。Conyac の規則により、私たちは他の方による翻訳をレビューしないといけないことになっているからです。どうぞあしからず。

shimauma shimauma 2015/08/28 08:02:46

