翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 59 / 1 Review / 2015/08/25 18:54:46




How is your delivery of my order 0728 getting along?
I placed that order with Tom on July 28.
At that time, I asked him to ship that order by August 25 together with the A that we hadn't received because of your mistake. I also put you in my CC field then.
Will you ship that order and A immediately?
The A is what we should have received in July, so I want at least that thing on a top priority basis by the end of the week.
Following is a copy of the emails exchanged between Tom and myself on July 28.

レビュー ( 1 )

palaisdeverre 61 原文の意味を正確に伝えながら、流暢で自然な翻訳を目指しております。 必要...
palaisdeverreはこの翻訳結果を"★★★★"と評価しました 2015/08/26 21:00:42

How is your delivery of my order 0728 getting along?
I placed that order with Tom on July 28.
At that time, I asked him to ship that order by August 25 together with the A that we hadn't received because of your mistake. I also put you in my CC field then.
Will you ship that order and A immediately?
The A is what we should have received in July, so I want at least that thing on a top priority basis by the end of the week.
Following is a copy of the emails exchanged between Tom and myself on July 28.

How is your delivery of my order 0728 getting along?
I placed the order with Tom on July 28, asking him to ship it by August 25, along with the A that we hadn't received because of a mistake on your part. I also put you in my CC field then.
Would you please ship the order and the A immediately?
We should really have received the A in July, so at the very least I would like that prioritized and shipped by the end of the week.
Following is a copy of the emails exchanged between Tom and myself on July 28.

Good work!
I've just made a few adjustments to make it sound more natural.


osamu_kanda osamu_kanda 2015/08/26 21:18:53

Thank you, palaisdeverre, you're a fantastic reviewer. I've learned quite a lot from you. By the way, you're great at Japanese and play the koto too?! Impressive!

palaisdeverre palaisdeverre 2015/08/27 21:05:37

Thank you for your kind words. I'm glad that you learned something! (:

備考: 海外の仕入先へ配送状況の催促をするメールです。