翻訳者レビュー ( 英語 → ネイティブ 中国語(繁体字) )

評価: 50 / 1 Review / 2015/02/03 11:44:37


*You have reached your limit for setting sub category.
*Sync fail
*An error has occurred while trying to sync data. Please try again later.
*An error has ocuured while trying to restore subscription/purchased options.
*Internet is not connected or can not connect to Google Play.
*Restore Subscription/Purchased Items
*Automatically backup the xxx data as long as you are connected online and also share across multiple devices.
*Calculator is premium function
*Calculator can be enabled in several ways
*See Detail
*Premium feature:
*Small calculator on top screen will help you calculate your expense wuth ease
*With Premium Upgrade, all of premium feature will be enabled. For detail about Premium Upgrade, Please click here.


*無法連上網路或無法連上Google Play。
*在您連接網路時自動備份 xxx,並可於多個裝置上同步使用。

レビュー ( 1 )

soft 61 Born and raised in Taiwan, I am from ...
softはこの翻訳結果を"★★★"と評価しました 2015/02/04 13:42:21

*See Detail 查看細節

Premium feature: 付費功能 or 高級帳戶功能

holmes310524 holmes310524 2015/02/05 01:02:25

我居然漏翻了*See Detail。
