翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 50 / 1 Review / 2015/01/22 20:21:08




It is very convenient because the bus comes often.
The convenince is due to the fact that the bus arrives every five minutes.
Wifi is also availble, so you can see a map while you are on the bus.
The second floor was cold because it was winter. But everyone was using the seats on the second floor.

レビュー ( 1 )

ctplers99 64 フリーランス翻訳者Ctplers99と申します。日本語ネイティブで、翻訳者...
ctplers99はこの翻訳結果を"★★★"と評価しました 2015/01/23 22:12:30

It is very convenient because the bus comes often.
The convenince is due to the fact that the bus arrives every five minutes.
Wifi is also availble, so you can see a map while you are on the bus.
The second floor was cold because it was winter. But everyone was using the seats on the second floor.

It is very convenient because the bus comes often.
Transportation is very convenient because buses arrive every five minutes.
Wifi is also availble, so you can see a map while you are on a bus.
The second floor was cold because it was winter. But everyone was using seats on the second floor.

misa_japaneseammo misa_japaneseammo 2015/01/25 21:01:29

The first one was checked by a native English speaker who graduated from the University of Oxford.

misa_japaneseammo misa_japaneseammo 2015/01/25 21:01:29

The first one was checked by a native English speaker who graduated from the University of Oxford.

ctplers99 ctplers99 2015/01/25 22:10:04

そうですか。The convenience is due to〜という形はあまり見たことがなかったものですから。ネイティブの方にチェックを受けたものであれば、そちらの方がただしいのだと思います。申し訳ないです。

ctplers99 ctplers99 2015/01/25 22:14:26


備考: review