翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 52 / 2 Reviews / 2014/11/18 20:30:05








Thanks for your help.

I thank you for helping me change my address.

I understand matters concering the rice of CRC16-1.
I believe that when prices have changed, the coresponding prices shown at B2B shop should be corrected accordingly.

I have just made my payment. Please confirm it and prepare for its shipment.

Best regards

レビュー ( 2 )

mayustardustはこの翻訳結果を"★★★★"と評価しました 2014/11/19 20:07:06

Thanks for your help.

I thank you for helping me change my address.

I understand matters concering the rice of CRC16-1.
I believe that when prices have changed, the coresponding prices shown at B2B shop should be corrected accordingly.

I have just made my payment. Please confirm it and prepare for its shipment.

Best regards

Thanks for your help.

I thank you for helping me change my address.

I understand matters concerning the price of CRC16-1.
I believe that when prices have changed, the coresponding prices shown at B2B shop should be corrected accordingly.

I have just made my payment. Please confirm it and prepare for its shipment.

Best regards

sliamatem sliamatem 2014/11/19 22:03:43


tearz 50 翻訳経験豊富です。 過去の実績や評価などご確認ください。 ご連絡お待ち...
tearzはこの翻訳結果を"★★★"と評価しました 2014/11/19 20:41:55

Thanks for your help.

I thank you for helping me change my address.

I understand matters concering the rice of CRC16-1.
I believe that when prices have changed, the coresponding prices shown at B2B shop should be corrected accordingly.

I have just made my payment. Please confirm it and prepare for its shipment.

Best regards

Thanks for your help.

I thank you for helping me change my address.

I understand matters concering the price of CRC16-1.
If the price is going to be modified, shouldn't the listed price at the B2B shop be revised accordingly?

I have just made my payment. Please confirm it and proceed with shipment.

Best regards,


sliamatem sliamatem 2014/11/19 22:24:55

添削ありがとうございます。4行目に関しては、価格の変更一般について依頼者の見解を述べているものと解釈したので、"I believe that"から始め、少し抽象的な言い回しを取りました。しかしもっとシンプルにできたかもしれません。なんにせよ、誤記が多かったので評価には納得しています。また語彙等で参考になる所が多くありがたいです。
