翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 60 / ネイティブ 日本語 / 0 Reviews / 2014/09/12 21:03:46

susumu-fukuhara 60 静岡県登録の通訳案内士です。通算で3年ほど貿易実務の担当をしていたことがあ...



社会問題にもなった下請けへの過度な協力要請など、エゴな体質ではFUN TO DRIVEな車など造れずはずもなく、真剣にブランドを作り上げていく気があるのか?疑問を持つ。


Aren't they just pipe-dreaming to think that they can compete German brand cars in the same league if they keep the stance that allows to forgo the car types that have little room to mass-produce such as AMG, RS, and M types but old model IS-F, and super-car production are nearly non-existent though they maintain they are left for limited release?

They are wrong. Premium cars are made for the car users who want the car which defies what Just-in-Time efficiency requires.

Their extremely for-profit, for-the-efficiency-sake stance which recently caused subcontractor abuses is far cry from producing the vehicles materializing their company motto "Fun to Drive". Are they really, fervently pursuing to create and maintain the Lexus brand? I still doubt it.

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備考: 699586-1




例)テザリング tethering 等


【エンジン性能】→[Engine Performance]
【走行性能】→[Driving Performance]
【燃費】→[Fuel Efficiency]
【総評】→[General Comments]