Conyacサービス終了のお知らせ (11月25日更新)

翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 50 / 1 Review / 2014/06/19 17:56:40

[削除済みユーザ] 50 とにかくよろしくお願いします!






When will this package be reflected upon my account?
I would like to make a shipping order today.

You are the sister of Jon and Jon is as old as me make me surprised. I have not heard before.

I had a look at your prototype of A: It was wonderful.
I have made an advanced order of two sets but I wouold like to make an additional oder of four sets.

The goods have reached the company that I entrusted but the address and the name are worng and thus they have been kept in other warehouse.
Please talk to the shipping person.

Is an aluminum case attached to B?

レビュー ( 1 )

mirror1000 52 初めまして、翻訳の勉強をしながら、お仕事させて頂きたいと思っています。
mirror1000はこの翻訳結果を"★★★"と評価しました 2014/06/19 18:10:30

When will this package be reflected upon my account?
I would like to make a shipping order today.

You are the sister of Jon and Jon is as old as me make me surprised. I have not heard before.

I had a look at your prototype of A: It was wonderful.
I have made an advanced order of two sets but I wouold like to make an additional oder of four sets.

The goods have reached the company that I entrusted but the address and the name are worng and thus they have been kept in other warehouse.
Please talk to the shipping person.

Is an aluminum case attached to B?

When will this package be reflected upon my account?
I would like to make a shipping order today.

I'm surprised to know you are Jon's sister, and Jon is as old as I. I have not heard of it before.

I had a look at your prototype of A: It was wonderful.
I have made an advanced order of two sets before, but I would like to make an additional oder of four sets.

The goods have reached the company that I entrusted but the address and the name are wrong and thus they have been kept in a wrong warehouse.
Please talk to the shipping person.

Is an aluminum case attached to B?

[削除済みユーザ] [削除済みユーザ] 2014/06/19 18:14:33


備考: JONは男性です。 改行した文章ごとにつながりはありません。 アルファベットのAとBには商品名が入ります。