翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 60 / 2 Reviews / 2014/05/15 08:36:48

big_baby_duck 60 ほぼ、英訳専門ダックです。信頼できる優秀な英訳者、個性的でおもしろい記事を...




Currently, $1 in Canadian dollars is exchanged for $0.918021 in US dollars, so the carriage for the shipment is $123.62 in US dollars according to this. Therefore, we will add extra 10% and send you a gift card of American Amazon with the value of 136 dollars.

Talking about the setting of time and date of the clock, we've already set them in New York time, US, and checked it. They're displayed in the time difference of 13 hours from Japan time (the date is 14th). We will check the date is to be changed correctly, include the gift card of American Amazon in the package, and ship it tomorrow.

レビュー ( 2 )

jojo 52 speedy & straight
jojoはこの翻訳結果を"★★★★"と評価しました 2014/05/15 10:37:25

Currently, $1 in Canadian dollars is exchanged for $0.918021 in US dollars, so the carriage for the shipment is $123.62 in US dollars according to this. Therefore, we will add extra 10% and send you a gift card of American Amazon with the value of 136 dollars.

Talking about the setting of time and date of the clock, we've already set them in New York time, US, and checked it. They're displayed in the time difference of 13 hours from Japan time (the date is 14th). We will check the date is to be changed correctly, include the gift card of American Amazon in the package, and ship it tomorrow.

Currently, 1 Canadian Dollar is exchanged for 0.918021 US Dollar, so the shipment cost is 123.62 US Dollar according to this. Consequently, we will add extra 10% and send you American Amazon gift card worth of 136 US Dollar.

As for the date and time setting of the clock, we already set it in US New York time and confirmed this. It is displayed with the time difference of 13 hours from Japan time (the date is 14th). We will ship it tomorrow after checking the date will be changed correctly and including American Amazon gift card in the package.



big_baby_duck big_baby_duck 2014/05/15 11:55:49


chee_madam 52 留学、就労と英語圏で15年生活してまいりました。実務翻訳に従事しています。...
chee_madamはこの翻訳結果を"★★★★"と評価しました 2014/05/15 21:25:08

Currently, $1 in Canadian dollars is exchanged for $0.918021 in US dollars, so the carriage for the shipment is $123.62 in US dollars according to this. Therefore, we will add extra 10% and send you a gift card of American Amazon with the value of 136 dollars.

Talking about the setting of time and date of the clock, we've already set them in New York time, US, and checked it. They're displayed in the time difference of 13 hours from Japan time (the date is 14th). We will check the date is to be changed correctly, include the gift card of American Amazon in the package, and ship it tomorrow.

Currently, $1 in Canadian dollars is exchanged for $0.918021 in US dollars, so the shipment charge is $123.62 in US dollars according to this. Therefore, we will add extra 10% and send you a gift card of American Amazon with the value of 136 dollars.

Talking about the setting of time and date of the clock, we've already set them in New York time, US, and checked it. They're displayed in the time difference of 13 hours from Japan time (the date is 14th). We will check to ensure that the date will change correctly when we dispatch it tomorrow, and will ship it along with the Amazon US gift card.


big_baby_duck big_baby_duck 2014/05/16 10:13:58

Chee Madamさん、またreview、ありがとうございます!すごく勉強になり、もっと頑張ろうという気になります!
