翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 56 / 1 Review / 2014/05/03 20:17:41

marikayamada 56 物流会社に約10年勤務し,契約書の翻訳等の経験があります。 現在は輸出入...



We have received your return request.
It will usually take around 3 to 10 days for arrival of the goods.
The date indicated in Amazon might be longer than usual just in case.
If you still want to return the goods, please contuct us again.
Meanwhile, we will refund you $23.56 which deducted $16.85 of the actual shipping charge.
When the goods arrives, please refuse to take it so that return charge won't be charged.

レビュー ( 1 )

translate-tn 54 よろしくお願い致します。
translate-tnはこの翻訳結果を"★★★★"と評価しました 2014/05/03 21:49:59

We have received your return request.
It will usually take around 3 to 10 days for arrival of the goods.
The date indicated in Amazon might be longer than usual just in case.
If you still want to return the goods, please contuct us again.
Meanwhile, we will refund you $23.56 which deducted $16.85 of the actual shipping charge.
When the goods arrives, please refuse to take it so that return charge won't be charged.

We have received your return request.
It will regularly take around 3 to 10 days for arrival of the goods.
Amazon indicated the default date and it might be longer than usual just in case.
If you still want to return the goods, please contact us again.
Meanwhile, we will refund you $23.56 which is deducted $16.85 of the actual shipping charge.
When the goods arrives, please refuse to receive it so that you'll have no return charged.

