
翻訳者レビュー ( 英語 → ルーマニア語 )

評価: 50 / 0 Reviews / 2014/04/07 16:35:50

meridan 50 Hello! I'm a big fan of Japanese cul...

The majestic Phoenix Hall at Byodo-in Temple in Uji, Kyoto Prefecture, was unveiled on Thursday after a year’s worth of major repairs and restoration.

The Amida-do hall, famed for its picturesque façade that is reflected in the pond in front of the hall, underwent a series of renovations, including repainting columns, replacing roof bricks and restoring its phoenix statues.

The completion of restoration work signifies the return of the “spirit” to the seated statue of Amitabha Tathagata.

“The history of Byodo-in is also a history of repairs,” Monsho Kamii, the head priest of Byodo-in, said after a special ceremony to celebrate the temple’s reopening.


Holul Phoenix de la Templul Byodo-in in Uji, Prefectura Kyoto, a fost inaugurat joi, dupa un an de reparatii majore si restaurari.

Holul Amida-do, renumit pentru fatada sa pitoreasca, reflectata in lacul din fata holului, a trecut printr-o serie de renovari ce includ vopsirea din nou a coloanelor, inlocuirea caramizilor de pe acoperis si restaurarea statuilor phoenixului.

Finalizarea lucrarii de restaurare semnifica reintoarcerea "spiritului" statuii lui Amitabha Tathagata.

"Istoria lui Byodo-in este deasemenea o istorie de reparatii", spune Monsho Kamiji, preotul de la Byodo-in, dupa o ceremonie speciala pentru a sarbatori redeschiderea templului.

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