翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 63 / 1 Review / 2014/03/31 13:07:26




Pattern of the language
Phonetic method
Proper noun (Japanese origin)
Phonetic representation notation
Proper noun (foreign origin)
The language part of the foreign language is language notation concerned
Proper noun including a part of common noun
Proper noun is phonetic and common noun is figurative noun
Initial letters of both phonetic notation and figurative notation are capital letters
When it is hard to understand by separating a part of the common noun, use figurative of the part of the common noun in addition to all of phonetic representation.
In case that Japanese phonetic representation such as use as a station name and a facility name, supplement phonetic representation + figurative in a parenthesis.

レビュー ( 1 )

yakuok 60 ・日英・英日翻訳・通訳。 ・海外の国際校で教育を受け、イギリス英語・アメ...
yakuokはこの翻訳結果を"★★★★★"と評価しました 2014/04/01 06:41:17

Pattern of the language
Phonetic method
Proper noun (Japanese origin)
Phonetic representation notation
Proper noun (foreign origin)
The language part of the foreign language is language notation concerned
Proper noun including a part of common noun
Proper noun is phonetic and common noun is figurative noun
Initial letters of both phonetic notation and figurative notation are capital letters
When it is hard to understand by separating a part of the common noun, use figurative of the part of the common noun in addition to all of phonetic representation.
In case that Japanese phonetic representation such as use as a station name and a facility name, supplement phonetic representation + figurative in a parenthesis.

Pattern of the language
Phonetic method
Proper noun (Japanese origin)
Phonetic representation notation
Proper noun (foreign origin)
The language part of the foreign language is language notation concerned
Proper noun including a part of common noun
Proper noun is phonetic and common noun is figurative noun
Initial letters of both phonetic notation and figurative notation are capital letters
When it is hard to understand by separating a part of the common noun, use figurative of the part of the common noun in addition to all of phonetic representation.
In case that Japanese phonetic representation such as use as a station name and a facility name, supplement phonetic representation + figurative in a parenthesis.
