翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 50 / 2 Reviews / 2014/02/02 13:23:06

shinnosuke 50 みなさん。 はじめまして。 Shinnosukeと申します。 ...



You are my first eBay customer.
I will send you a present to express my appreciation.
I hope you like it.

If you look for other items, feel free to ask me.
Please attach pictures when you do so.

Best regards,

レビュー ( 2 )

russ87 68
russ87はこの翻訳結果を"★★★"と評価しました 2014/02/08 16:58:57

You are my first eBay customer.
I will send you a present to express my appreciation.
I hope you like it.

If you look for other items, feel free to ask me.
Please attach pictures when you do so.

Best regards,

You are my first eBay customer.
I will send you a present to express my appreciation.
I hope you like it.

If you are looking for other items, feel free to ask me anytime.
Please attach pictures when you do so to make them easier to find.

Best regards,

Some small mistakes but otherwise not bad

linne0213 61 TOEIC990点。カナダのMcGill大学を経済学専攻、考古学副専攻で卒...
linne0213はこの翻訳結果を"★★★★"と評価しました 2014/03/12 14:44:40

You are my first eBay customer.
I will send you a present to express my appreciation.
I hope you like it.

If you look for other items, feel free to ask me.
Please attach pictures when you do so.

Best regards,

You are my first eBay customer.
Enclosed is a present to express my appreciation.
I hope you'll like it.

When you look for any other items, feel free to contact me.
Please attach pictures when you do so to make it easier for me to find them.

Best regards,

I will sendというと、今ではない別のとき(未来)に送る感じがしますが、送る行為自体はこの文章を書いているときと同時ですので、現在形でOKです。
今回は、同封とありますので、enclosed としました。"Enclosed is a ~"などは、文法的には少々特殊ですが、よくつかわれる表現です。
逆に、"hope you like it" は、この文章を書いている時点の未来(相手はまだ受け取っていない)なので、未来形にしました。
