翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 52 / 1 Review / 2014/01/21 20:52:50



日本に来たら、是非チェックして欲しい!ご当地Hello Kitty!〜大阪編〜

今や世界中で大人気のHello Kitty。日本には各所でご当地キティが存在します。日本人でも旅行先では必ずご当地キティを購入するコレクターは多数。ご当地キティを集めれば、思い出になることはもちろん、各地の文化や名物まで学べるかも…第一弾は、大阪編!!


When visiting Japan, the most recommendable place to check! Special localized Hello Kitty! ~Osaka ver~

Now that Hello Kitty has gained world-wide big fame. In Japan there are localized Hello Kitties in many areas. Many Japanese people buy and collect the special localized Kitty in their destination. When you collect such Kitties, you will learn the local culture and special products, as well as you will get a special memory.
The first is Osaka version!

レビュー ( 1 )

chee_madam 52 留学、就労と英語圏で15年生活してまいりました。実務翻訳に従事しています。...
chee_madamはこの翻訳結果を"★★★"と評価しました 2014/02/05 18:23:57

When visiting Japan, the most recommendable place to check! Special localized Hello Kitty! ~Osaka ver~

Now that Hello Kitty has gained world-wide big fame. In Japan there are localized Hello Kitties in many areas. Many Japanese people buy and collect the special localized Kitty in their destination. When you collect such Kitties, you will learn the local culture and special products, as well as you will get a special memory.
The first is Osaka version!

When visiting Japan, the most recommendable place to check! Special localized Hello Kitty! ~Osaka ver.~

Now that Hello Kitty has gained world-wide big fame. In Japan there are localized Hello Kitties in many areas. Many Japanese people buy and collect the special localized Kitty in their destination. When you collect such Kitties, you will learn the local culture and special products, as well as you will get a special memory.
The first is Osaka version!

日本に来たら、是非チェックして欲しい!ご当地Hello Kitty!〜大阪編〜 となっているところを、the most recommendable place to check!  (ぜひ、チェックしてほしいところ)となっています。Must-check itemのようにされるといかがでしょう?


備考: 冒頭の番号は内部管理番号なので翻訳の必要はございません