翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 59 / 1 Review / 2014/01/13 20:38:02

phloan2190 59 Currently assigned as a language tuto...



I'm sure among your Japanese clients there are traders who use MyUS (people with similar occupation as that of mine in USA) ? MyUS's new policy is that, in case of buying that exceeds $2500 on the same supplier, the supplier's EIN is required. Given the case, if there is another Japanese client conducting a large sum of transactions with you, certainly they would ask of you the same in near future. Even if they apply other shipping methods, EIN would be required in one way or another under US laws, so I consider asking of you the same nonetheless.

レビュー ( 1 )

kabayan1957 44 インドネシア語、マレーシア語を中心に翻訳業、通訳業に従事しております。 ...
kabayan1957はこの翻訳結果を"★★★"と評価しました 2014/01/13 23:01:38

I'm sure among your Japanese clients there are traders who use MyUS (people with similar occupation as that of mine in USA) ? MyUS's new policy is that, in case of buying that exceeds $2500 on the same supplier, the supplier's EIN is required. Given the case, if there is another Japanese client conducting a large sum of transactions with you, certainly they would ask of you the same in near future. Even if they apply other shipping methods, EIN would be required in one way or another under US laws, so I consider asking of you the same nonetheless.

Are there traders who use MyUS (people with similar address as that of mine in USA) among your Japanese clients ? According to MyUS's new policy is, it seems to be requrired the supplier's EIN in case of buying that exceeds $2500 from the same supplier. So if there is another Japanese client having a large transactions with you, certainly they would tell you the same thing in the near future. Even if they apply other shipping methods, As EIN would be required as well under US laws, I think they would asking of you the same again.


備考: ある米国の仕入先から商品を日本へ輸入して販売しています。その際、米国内のMyUSという転送会社に荷物を集めて、日本へまとめて転送していました。しかし、最近、米国の法改正で海外への転送の際は仕入先のEIN(employer identification number)が必要になりました。これはEINを取得していない仕入先に送るメールです。