翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 52 / 0 Reviews / 2013/12/21 18:06:40



・タグを追加すると過去に同じタグがあってもMySQLのtags tableに同じタグが登録されていくのはバグではないですか?

・タグを閉じているhtmlが " ではなく ' なのは問題ありませんか?htmlの構文的に問題なければ良いのですが



I am sorry for the multiple postings. I have worried about an area of the current update.

-Isn't it a bug when you add the tag and the same tags are registered into the MySQL tags table despite of the existence of a previous similar tag? The display of the home page has no issues but I feel that the design is not right.

- Are there no problems when the tag is closed and the html is not as it is? It is alright if it is just a problem with the html structure.

Please do not mind if this is a misunderstanding from my end.
I am sorry as I am not an English native speaker and cannot inform you that well.

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