翻訳者レビュー ( 英語 → 日本語 )

評価: 68 / 0 Reviews / 2013/12/12 14:04:11


What I like with this business is that although it goes super fast, it always goes in stages. Sometime we wake up and think “merchandise” so we put a lot of effort into the merchandise, then “wow, I have so much merchandise, but I need more clients”, so you focus energy on building traffic and customer, then “wow, I have merchandise and customers but too many orders, so I need to fix my operations.”

The best reward we can have is the recognition from our customer and over 70% of customers are repeat buyers (I never got more than 50% in my previous jobs) and the second thing we get recognition from our brand partners, 90% of them are willing to come back and work with us.




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