翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 50 / 1 Review / 2013/11/11 17:24:06

minapoco 50 米国オクラホマ州に3年半留学経験あり。 2007年に帰国後、英会話教室の...





それは これ。


日本のファッションブランドなんですけど 安くて良いモノがたくさんあるんです。



日本でも人気で この時期になるとすぐにサイズがなくなってしまいます。(笑)

今年も無くならない内に 早めに買いに行ってきます。


It's getting colder in Japan.
How's the weather in your country?
Is it cold? Hot?
I seldom travel abroad, so not quite sure about the weather.
But here's the one I always buy when it gets colder.
This is the one.
Do you know UNIQLO?
It's one of Japanese fashion brand which offers many good clothes with low price.
This is one of those product.
This underwear keeps me warm.
It soon runs out of stock in these seasons in Japan.
I'll go and get one before it's all sold out.

レビュー ( 1 )

katrina_z 68 こんにちは!はじめまして、チェコ在住のアメリカ英語のネイティブです。 日...
katrina_zはこの翻訳結果を"★★★★"と評価しました 2013/11/12 02:19:29

It's getting colder in Japan.
How's the weather in your country?
Is it cold? Hot?
I seldom travel abroad, so not quite sure about the weather.
But here's the one I always buy when it gets colder.
This is the one.
Do you know UNIQLO?
It's one of Japanese fashion brand which offers many good clothes with low price.
This is one of those product.
This underwear keeps me warm.
It soon runs out of stock in these seasons in Japan.
I'll go and get one before it's all sold out.

It's getting colder in Japan.
How's the weather in your country?
Is it cold? Hot?
I seldom travel abroad, so I'm not quite sure about the weather.
But here's the one I always buy when it gets colder.
This is the one.
Do you know UNIQLO?
It's a Japanese fashion brand that offers many good clothes at low prices.
This is one of their products.
This underwear keeps me warm.
It soon runs out of stock during this season in Japan.
I'll go and get one before they're all sold out.
