翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 52 / ネイティブ 中国語(簡体字) / 0 Reviews / 2013/09/12 10:28:23

fantasyc 52 母国語:中国語 日本語能力試験N1級(最上級) TOEIC 970点 ...

荷物が届いたよ!実はしばらく前に届いていたんだけど、連絡が遅くなって申し訳ない!!ケーキやジャムはとても美味しかったし、母親も喜んでいたよ!!僕は英語は得意じゃないけれど、あの最終日の車の中であんなに盛り上がったのはすごく嬉しかったよ。言葉の壁を越えて心が通った様だったね。ひとつ残念な事に送ってくれた、一番大きなビンが輸送中に割れていて僕の手元に届いた時は腐ってしまっていたんだ 笑 でも何よりもAelの気持ちが一番嬉しいよ。他のみんなもフェイスブックの友達申請喜んでいたよ!!


Package arrived! In fact, I had received it several days ago, and I'm sorry my contact is late! Jam and cakes were very delicious. And my mother was very happy! My English's not very good, but in the car I was really happy at at day. It feels like we passed beyond the language barrier and understand each other. Unfortunately, the biggest bottle was broken during transport and it had already rotten when I received the package. lol However, the kindness of Ael is the best thing to me. Everyone else was happy to received friend request in Facebook!

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