翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 44 / 1 Review / 2013/09/12 09:08:22




A: b → c
D: (空白) → e




Thank you for your immediately reply.

There is hope as described below.

[Point I would like correction]
A: b → c
D: (blank) → e

[Point I, please confirm it]
When I had a license in another project previously, it seems to be a use fee of 150 pounds in five years.
(I will attach a document at the time)
I have an open and royalty of this time, such as conditions would have changed something?

Additional, after checking on Company F for original consignment, we will contact you again.
Thanking you in advance .

レビュー ( 1 )

[削除済みユーザ] 52 こんにちは。 イギリスで生まれ、英語を母語としています。 学校教育は日...
[削除済みユーザ]はこの翻訳結果を"★"と評価しました 2013/09/12 09:30:40

Thank you for your immediately reply.

There is hope as described below.

[Point I would like correction]
A: b → c
D: (blank) → e

[Point I, please confirm it]
When I had a license in another project previously, it seems to be a use fee of 150 pounds in five years.
(I will attach a document at the time)
I have an open and royalty of this time, such as conditions would have changed something?

Additional, after checking on Company F for original consignment, we will contact you again.
Thanking you in advance .

Thank you for your immediate reply.

There are some favors as described below.

[Point where I would like your correction]
A: b → c
D: (blank) → e

[Point that I'd like you to confirm]
When I had a license in another project previously, it seems to be a use fee of 150 pounds in five years.
(I will attach a document at the time)
I have an open and royalty of this time, such as conditions would have changed something?

Additional, after checking on Company F for original consignment, we will contact you again.
Thanking you in advance .

Machine Translation

[削除済みユーザ] [削除済みユーザ] 2013/09/12 09:31:52
  • I am sorry, but I didn't fix below [Point I, please confirm it] cause I thought it would have no meaning at all.
備考: ビジネスのメールのやりとりです。相手とは、メールを1往復しただけで、面識はありません。直訳にこだわらずに失礼のない表現でお願いいたします。
なお、「A: b  → c」という部分は、「Aという項目について、bをcに訂正いただきたい」という意味です。これでは相手に伝わらないと思われる場合は、伝わるような記載でお願いいたします。