翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 52 / 1 Review / 2013/09/02 21:46:25

piro627 52 化粧品・健康食品の輸入販売企業で、製品部・マーケティング部のアシスタント時...




We have received the product samples and checked the price list.
It said yellow and white are out of stock. Are you expecting to remanufacture them?
This item would look better with all colors together, and we would like to have them in five colors to sell in Japan.
Also, are you expecting to remanufacture the limited edition with the space graphics?

The price listed here is too high. We are hoping to be an exclusive agent, and it would be difficult to distribute the items to retailers with the price. Would it be possible to make it as low as the wholesale price of BBREM104 and BBREM105, or possibly lower than that?

レビュー ( 1 )

shibata 53 主な経歴、資格状況 1982年3月 早稲田大学 政治経済学部 卒業 ...
shibataはこの翻訳結果を"★★★★"と評価しました 2013/09/03 08:26:18

We have received the product samples and checked the price list.
It said yellow and white are out of stock. Are you expecting to remanufacture them?
This item would look better with all colors together, and we would like to have them in five colors to sell in Japan.
Also, are you expecting to remanufacture the limited edition with the space graphics?

The price listed here is too high. We are hoping to be an exclusive agent, and it would be difficult to distribute the items to retailers with the price. Would it be possible to make it as low as the wholesale price of BBREM104 and BBREM105, or possibly lower than that?

We have received the product samples and checked the price list.
It said yellow and white ones are out of stock. Are you expecting to resume manufacturing them?
These items would look better with all of the five colors together, so we would like to have five of them, each with a different color, to be sold in Japan.
Also, are you expecting to resume manufacturing the limited edition with the illustration of the universe?

I must say that the price listed here is too high. We are hoping to be your sole distributor in Japan, and it would be difficult to sell the items to retailers with the price. Would it be possible to make it as low as the wholesale price of BBREM104 and BBREM105, or possibly lower than that?

piro627 piro627 2013/09/03 10:50:57

レビューありがとうございました。とても参考になりました。一点質問があります。「日本で売るには5色欲しい」の箇所ですが、添削していただいた文章では" each with a different color"とあります。これはどういう意味で追加されたのでしょうか?5色あるということは、それぞれがdifferent colorなのはもちろんですが、あえて追加された意図とは?ご教示いただけますと幸いです。よろしくお願いします。

shibata shibata 2013/09/03 19:37:21

そうですね、ご指摘の通り、each with a different color は無くても文脈で通じるかもしれませんね。小生のこれまでの経験で、大事なところは念を押す癖が出たのかもしれません。

piro627 piro627 2013/09/03 20:29:43

