翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 53 / ネイティブ 英語 / 0 Reviews / 2013/08/27 13:45:39

premiumdotz 53 I am a graduate of Teacher Education ...



・エドのいう通りペルーは文化的にとても豊かな国だね。昨日はmuseo larcoに行ったけどすごいコレクションだったよ。今回は1日半しか滞在できなかったのでとても残念ですが、必ずまた来るのでその時は是非リマを案内してください。


・Robberies also happen in offices found inside the town center. This is why we give our Japanese staff escorts. They usually walk behind you, so it a little uncomfortable.

・ I arrived in Chile!! I think I'm going to die with the crammed schedule that you have set for the office in Chile!

・ As what Ed was said, Peru is country that has a rich culture. We went to Museo Larco yesterday. The collections in there were amazing. I only stayed there for half a day,so i's really regrettable. However, I will surely go there once again, so please be my guide in Lima.

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