翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 67 / ネイティブ 英語 / 1 Review / 2013/07/08 07:56:49

cuavsfan 67 I passed Japanese Language Proficienc...



I am okay with things like email or chat, but I don't have confidence in my speaking ability, and a long time ago I received a call with some questions and was stuck as I couldn't respond.
Because of that, in regard to this question I would like to handle it over email, and while I am grateful that I have been treated kindly, the fact remains that the issue of payment is still not resolved.
I have tried contacting the other party numerous times, but I am still unable to get a hold of them.
Therefore, my response is that the problem is still unsolved.

レビュー ( 1 )

shibata 53 主な経歴、資格状況 1982年3月 早稲田大学 政治経済学部 卒業 ...
shibataはこの翻訳結果を"★★★★★"と評価しました 2013/07/08 08:04:02

I am okay with things like email or chat, but I don't have confidence in my speaking ability, and a long time ago I received a call with some questions and was stuck as I couldn't respond.
Because of that, in regard to this question I would like to handle it over email, and while I am grateful that I have been treated kindly, the fact remains that the issue of payment is still not resolved.
I have tried contacting the other party numerous times, but I am still unable to get a hold of them.
Therefore, my response is that the problem is still unsolved.

I am okay with things like email or chat, but I don't have confidence in my speaking ability, and a long time ago I received a call with some questions and was stuck as I couldn't respond.
Because of that, in regard to this question I would like to handle it over email, and while I am grateful that I have been treated kindly, the fact remains that the issue of payment is still not resolved.
I have tried contacting the other party numerous times, but I am still unable to get hold of them.
Therefore, my response is that the problem is still unsolved.


1点だけ、すごく細かい点ですが、 "get hold of them"が一般的のようです。


備考: アメリカのオークションサイト「ebay」のカスタマーサービスへの返答文です。宜しくお願い致します!