翻訳者レビュー ( 英語 → 日本語 )

評価: 74 / 0 Reviews / 2013/06/12 09:27:32

oier9 74 より分かりやすい翻訳を目指しています。よろしくお願いします。

In their case speed is the priority and grammar comes later. For medical interpreters mastering medical terminology is a necessity, but communicating with patients in a comforting and trustworthy way defines their excellence.

Translation industry is limitless. And so are your competences! If you are aware of your special skills and world knowledge, you can only expand this knowledge to become the best in your specialization.

Nowadays translation is much easier than ever. Translators of Epic of Gilgamesh couldn’t help themselves with all the tools, books and technology as we are using today. But over 4000 years later translators are still letting some meanings get lost in translation.


翻訳業界には制限がない。あなたの能力もまた同じだ! 自分の持つ特別なスキルや業界知識を自覚しているのであれば、専門分野で一番になれるようこの知識を広げるだけでいい。

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