翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 53 / 0 Reviews / 2013/06/10 22:52:31

anantomo2013 53 Japanese, English, Chinese

ホテル グランパシフィックLE DAIBAは、昨年から「機動戦士ガンダム」をモチーフとしたコンセプトルーム「PROJECT ROOM-G」を販売。
6月に1周年を迎え、内装のリニューアル、客室数の増加、ルームサービスの追加、そして新しく「ROOM-G ジャブロータイプ」を新設した。


Hotel Grand Pacific LE DAIBA sold "PROJECT ROOM-G", which was the concept room, coming from the "Mobile Suit Gundam", since last year.
That hotel had one year anniversary on June, having renewal of the interior, increasing number of rooms and also newly having "ROOM-G Jaburo Type".
Starting to sell since 29th of June in the last year, getting good utilization rate, such as 95% for the special room and 80% for the standard room, they decided to extend the period of the selling and introducing the new room type.

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