翻訳者レビュー ( 英語 → 日本語 )

評価: 60 / ネイティブ 日本語 / 0 Reviews / 2013/04/09 08:00:09

3_yumie7 60 英語、フランス語、スペイン語、ポルトガル語から日本語への翻訳をしています。...

Pompeius, fleeing from Sicily to Antony, stopped at the Lacinian promontory and robbed the rich temple of Juno of its gifts. He landed at Mitylene and spent some time at that place, where his father, when at war with Caesar, had bestowed him with his mother, while still a boy, and after his defeat had joined him again. As Antony was now waging war in Media against the Medes and the Parthians, Pompeius decided to entrust himself to Antony on his return. When he heard that Antony had been beaten, and this result was more than confirmed by reports, his hopes were once more revived, and he fancied that he might succeed Antony if the latter were dead, or share his power if he returned. He was continually thinking


PompeiusはSicilyからAntonyのところへ逃げる途中、Lacinian岬に立ち止まり、裕福な Juno 寺院の捧げものを盗んだ。彼はMityleneに上陸してそこでしばらく過ごした。そこはかつて父親がCaesarと共に戦った時、少年であったPompeiusを父が母に預け、戦いに敗れた後、再び父が引き取った場所だった。Antonyは今Media王国でMedeやParthianを相手に戦争をしていたため、Pompeiusは彼が戻ってきたらAntonyにわが身を委ねることに決めた。Antonyが戦いに敗れ、その結果は報道で確認された以上のものだったと聞いて、彼の望みは再び蘇り、もしAntonyが死んでいたら自分がその後を継ぐか、彼が戻ってきた時、その権力を共有できるかもしれないと空想した。彼は続けて(次に続く)

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備考: 固有名詞は訳さないでいいです。