翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 50 / 1 Review / 2013/03/29 15:06:12

casterxcaster 50 フリー翻訳家としてプロフェッショナルを目指しています。2012年英検1級取...






Hi, I saw your program at XXX.
Your program is very wonderful.

I wish you would add a function with which I can save and publish a playlist for each user.
It can be registered in database like MYSQL.

The program below is quite similar, but it would be marverous if I can play a playlist and repeat each song.

Of course, you can show me another program rather than the program you publish now.
I kno you are busy so you don't need to reply.
Thank you for reading.

レビュー ( 1 )

honeylemon003 52 以前、ホームページの翻訳をさせていただいてから、 翻訳というお仕事にとて...
honeylemon003はこの翻訳結果を"★★★"と評価しました 2014/03/13 12:06:48

Hi, I saw your program at XXX.
Your program is very wonderful.

I wish you would add a function with which I can save and publish a playlist for each user.
It can be registered in database like MYSQL.

The program below is quite similar, but it would be marverous if I can play a playlist and repeat each song.

Of course, you can show me another program rather than the program you publish now.
I kno you are busy so you don't need to reply.
Thank you for reading.

Hi, I saw your program at XXX.
Your program is very wonderful.

I have a request for you, I would like you would add a function which each user can save and publish a playlist, and also
be able to registered in database like MYSQL.

The program below is quite similar, but it would be marverous if I can play a playlist and repeat each song.

Of course, it can be another program rather than the program you have published.
I know you are busy so you don't need to reply.
Thank you for reading my mail.

「very wonderful」という言葉は、Wonderfulの中に「とても」という意味が入っているので、前にVery を入れなくても良いのでは?と思いました。
