翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 52 / 1 Review / 2013/03/21 09:22:20

[削除済みユーザ] 52 こんにちは。 イギリスで生まれ、英語を母語としています。 学校教育は日...





Do you know the exact size of the product? I guess you know it as the maker.
Please let me know its LWH (length, width and height) in the centimeter.


レビュー ( 1 )

elissavet 56 JLPT N1 certified. My head is always ...
elissavetはこの翻訳結果を"★★★"と評価しました 2013/03/21 11:39:59

I think basically the translation meaning got through but the nuance was missing a little. I could be wrong, but I think the writer is questioning the seller (perhaps) why the seller isn't clear of the dimensions of the item when asked initially. Because he/she used, "貴方達はメーカーなので製品の正確な寸法を知っていると思うのですが?" Again, I could be wrong. If my understanding is right, I will translate that as "I would think you would know the exact measurements as you are the makers."

I liked the last sentence that it is short and to the point even though the original was two sentences ^^b. However, for "Please let me know its LWH (length, width and height) in the centimeter", "Please let me know its LWH (length, width and height) in centimeters" will be more natural.

[削除済みユーザ] [削除済みユーザ] 2013/03/21 13:27:16

Please let me be blunt for a while; you are wrong.

Nobody says "I would think you would know" since it means the same to "I guess you know"
The simpler, the better in English.

In regard to your second point, YES; sometimes even native speakers say "in centimeters".
According to the STANDARD GRAMMAR, however, "in the centimeter" is RIGHT just like "in the inch", "in the liter".

Nevertheless, I want you to know I really appreciate your efforts.

Thank you :-)

elissavet elissavet 2013/03/21 13:34:51

Hey @meekshibata ! Thank you as well! It's always fun to learn new things and I always appreciate feedback!
