翻訳者レビュー ( 英語 → 中国語(簡体字) )

評価: 50 / 0 Reviews / 2013/03/19 17:07:52

akichan 50

Hi, I’m Nozomi Okuma, Marketing Manager at Conyac. My native language is Japanese and I’ve been studying English as a second language for almost half of my life. I don’t have much problem with speaking two languages but when it comes to translating, I realize that the ability that I need for speaking and translating is completely different.

The reason why I started to translate is because I wanted to use my bilingual skill and open up a career as a translator. I didn’t have any education in translation and it is obviously difficult for an inexperienced translator like me to get a job. But Conyac offers newcomers a chance to translate and to practice their translation.


你好,我叫Nozomi Okuma,是Conyac 的市场经理。我的母语是日语,我还花了差不多半生时间学习英语作为第二语言。我说这两种语言也没有太大的问题,但当我要进行翻译的时候,我了解到翻译所需要的能力和说外语的能力是完全不同的。

我开始做翻译的原因是我很希望运用我的双语能力去开拓自己作为翻译员的事业。我没有接受过翻译的训练,加上又没有从事翻译工作的经验,找翻译的工作很明显是相当困难的。但Conyac 可以提供一个机会让没有经验者去练习他们的翻译技巧。

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